A.T. Andabagof

How about making racist blapipo disappear?

You are such a dipshit. I hope you weren’t the one who installed my cable.

Douchebag says ‘what?’

You are a clueless dipshit.

Cry a fucking river you turd.

Straight up lies! Why doesn’t she name who did it? Oh yeah cuz she made it up.

Flagging and dismissin like a little bitch.

And this!

More insufferable woke bullshit? These streaming services are getting lame already.

I’ll bet not all of them were Trump supporters, ass clown.

I have seen all 9 in the theater upon original release. This is the only one I fell asleep during.

What a ho.

Actually he promised a remedy to the fucked up policies from Barry’s administration.

That is the Left’s ‘Politics of Personal Destruction’ in a nutshell. Made famous by the Clintons.

Keep believing in what you think happened and not what really did and see how that shit works out for ya.

I see what you did there.

Deez Nutz!

Is this a dog whistle to the ‘Cancel Culture’?

That’s gotta be on Urban Dictionary, right?