More insufferable woke bullshit? These streaming services are getting lame already.
I have seen all 9 in the theater upon original release. This is the only one I fell asleep during.
What a ho.
Actually he promised a remedy to the fucked up policies from Barry’s administration.
Keep believing in what you think happened and not what really did and see how that shit works out for ya.
Is this a dog whistle to the ‘Cancel Culture’?
That’s gotta be on Urban Dictionary, right?
That shit is more for spreading on crackers. The Kraft brand is still out there along with the Old English.
He’s not gay. Just everything he does is.
Play it real loud with the windows down. Eventually someone will fuck you up.
And just because you shout it on Lamestream media over and over doesn’t necessarily make it fucking so.
How come Georgia family reunions and weddings happen at the same time?
Triggered again, I see. Poor wittle baby.
Why do they call Georgia ‘The blapipo state’?