A.T. Andabagof

That shits all funny until Jezebel goes tits up and your ass winds up broke before The Big Bad Orange Man does. LOL

He was poppin’ them shitz like tic tacs!

You are such a fucking dipshit, Mikey.

Get some help, seriously.

wait was there an inauguration? Cuz Trump is still President until then, but I guess you couldn’t pass 11th grade Civics.

Yeah Right? They need to be out there doing all the shit that they are telling not to do. Maybe they can get Pelosi to go get another blow out. Cuomo and De Blasio and cover the New York area pretty good with their hypocrisy as well.

Yeah? And what does Joe Biden think of that?

I guess ‘We want to loot, burn. pillage and rape you!’ doesn’t play too well in the sticks.

No it isn’t you fucking dipshit. Nice try...

Joe Biden is the epitome of incompetence.

It’s what happens when you descend into third world political theatrics while some demented shit heel and Willie Brown’s ball rest attempt to steal an as yet unofficial election.

But the WNBA is still a go right? I thought crowds of 10 or less was okay.

HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking dope!