Because getting excited over dumb BS like this doesn’t actually accomplish anything.
Because getting excited over dumb BS like this doesn’t actually accomplish anything.
This is a dumb thing for liberals to get excited about.
Some reasons not to present any evidence:
Frank Bruni makes a fine food critic as an op-ed writer since everything he writes is word salad.
With all due respect Senator Clinton...
This was first reported on at lunch yesterday. Took more than 24 hours for Jezebel to give a damn. I know, I know: it doesn’t play into their “narrative.” Still tho.
Is this #whitelivesmatter or #disabledlivesmatter?
Democrats like these are why I stopped voting since the last election and haven’t looked back.
That’s terrifying only if you believe the Kremlin organizes these parties to harm children. At which point you’d be practically a pizzagater.
Man that is just like my engagement story. I was putting away some groceries while my husband was doing the dishes and he said “Let’s get married” and I said “Sure”.
Hey, AJ.
This is a laughably ignorant statement.
.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,
I used to work with a woman who had 2 cats. One day she made the argument that her raising cats was every bit as much of a commitment as me raising my daughter. I listened politely (since we’re friends) and then asked 2 questions:
Yeah, I’m gonna call shenanigans. Hundreds of people have tapes of a presidential candidate “saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard,” and it never leaks before the election? In liberal Hollywood?
pile it on, no one gives a shit and it changes nothing but reminds us all anew (for the x time that day) how much this country eats shit
You should really learn why the EC is a thing, and that’s not it.
Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.
Just imagine; a few months from now The President’s reaction would be
Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn