
It’s not just the stressors of racism, it’s the racist (passive/benevolent or not) fucking doctors and nurses that can’t be bothered, specifically to give a shit about Black, then poor people, that kill women and families in hospitals.

So, she calls the cops under false pretenses (claiming he was aggressive) and her cousin that shows up says that’s her prerogative.

I am so tired of White People feeling “uncomfortable.”

I am very confused. Are these seniors not adults? How do they claim to have the right to remove adults from anything or place that they are legally allowed to be? Are they wards or something?

Every fucking trick in the goddamned book. Fuck those Trumpets and fuck those assholes who sell their fucking souls for a bit more White Power.

..Auntie started crying, that dude lucky he didn’t get straight razor’d.

Oh, so she still beggin’ for an ass-whoopin’, then?

Never forget...1/2 off on denim.

14-year-old white girls are stealing literally everything while that dude is messing around with that kid. Sephora is stripped bare.

I can’t even laugh at this. Mall security never keeps the same energy for these little harlots.

Shiiiit! I know if I dared to “hold” my son by the arm like that in front of a mandated reporter, the following will happen:

who is obviously upset that no one thanked him for his service as an Officer in the Old Navy

You know who you should blame? A cowardly media that won’t remind her (or President Dickcheese) about this.

Bullies are always the biggest victim in their own narratives.

There were probably off duty NYPD officers in that fascist rabble. 

The child looks his age, the problem is white people refuse to acknowledge that they’re looking at children when they look at our children. If they acknowledged that they were being shitty to children they might actually have to rethink their ways rather than puff themselves up about what good people they are.

Apparently there is a thing where people’s home surveillance is actually leading them to get caught committing crimes...I will try to find the article I read about it. Locally, someone in my neighborhood Facebook page asked for surveillance footage near him if anyone saw a person who might have hit and run his car. It

I can see the scenario where the dude heard his wife yelling and just come at it full force without asking questions. You might not blame him for that. Would be an excellent reason to 1) not have a goddamn gun in the house and 2) maybe prosecute the wife??