
Fuck Kim Kardashian. If you Black girls who idolize her don’t think she’s laughing at you while saying dumb, obvious lies like this, that’s on you.


Omg that video was hard to watch. Personally I do not like being touched period. Hugging, shaking hands, rubbing my shoulder and my hair is the ultimate no no. Then this old hag hand the nerve to pick her up in the air. Somebody pray for me, I just slapped this lady in my mind.

So then what good is all this training we pay for to “de-escalate” when someone is armed? What good are all these weapons we pay for that they say are non lethal? If we are just going in in the darkest hour and claiming we see a Black gun so we kill..last time they did that, it was a cell phone. 

In the words of Atlanta's greatest, "Let me break it down child style so you don't miss": don't touch strangers without their consent.

White woman on my job wanted to touch my hair.
She said, “It looks so soft.”
I said, “Can I rub on your pregnant belly?”
“See? Same thing.”

black people live in a fantasy world where whenever a black is shot by a cop they are the victim

Don't let the trolls bother you, Mo.

You mean aside from the fact that this particularly trigger-happy police department has a nasty habit of straight up lying about whether or not someone is armed, whether or not they called out to someone or even identified themselves, and who are supposed to be changing up their protocols around the use of deadly

SacPD lies consistently and here we are still believing their narrative. Last time it was a gun, a toolbar, and then a cell phone.

Police do not tell the truth when they murder people. The “pellet gun” was probably in their trunk when they pulled up.

These comments might as well be coming from white police empathizers..o

I’m shocked everyone is just sort of taking the cops word at this point.

Like it's news, and it's newsworthy because it's Sac PD, but you are legit crying in the comments because I reported the shooting and what the police said about the shooting? Really? 

Y'all are really in these comments complaining about a straight news report. Jesus. 

I had similar encounters with white women on airplanes. Since then, I just pretend the are invisible.. you are struggling with your bag.. well, sucks to be you, get someone else to help you.

I would have left that drunk bitch where I found her. I get doing the right thing but not while black and not while living in NY. Didn’t a brother out there get arrested by brown shirts after he saved that girl from getting raped on a bus? It’s not worth our time, or money to protect others that look different than

Yeah, but with a good, fake sob story, someone would’ve started a GoFundMe for her and then she could use the donated money to pay her $9K bill.

Now playing

Even if that shit did happen, she would still owe the money for services rendered.

Good, gooood.

Maybe the good State of Mississippi could claim eminent domain and preserve this as a monument to the horrific suffering of the Tills and the birth of The Civil Rights Movement?

This isn’t the first time Carothers has been charged with murder. In 1999, the teeth-deficient suspect was convicted of second-degree murder and was charged with another murder in 2011, but pleaded guilty to lesser charges