
I was waiting or someone to point that out. I can’t speak on Non-black POC , but the Africans and Haitians are a special case . Why do you think their so miffed about Trump’s sh*thole remarks ? They honestly believed like so many others ( Wrongly) that they are some mythical ,honorary other. When he was talking about

“He believes people love him for his modeling job,” Mango said. “He’s seen the pictures and he’s seen pictures online. He believes people love him for his modelling job and that he’s cool and confident in his job.”

I feel like this woman lives in a weird disconnect with reality:
Were you called monkey and felt disrespected?
So...why would you be okay with your son being labeled a monkey with an image that will last forever on the internet?
“Uhhhhhhhhh....happy thoughts everyone! Happy thoughts!”

Nobody is asking her to be Rosa

The sunken place

The silence is deafening, and what isn’t going unnoticed is the slick turn-around by media outlets. Yesterday, as the leaked details were at their freshest, many pundits and personalities were (rightfully) calling Trump what he always has been. A RACIST. Full stop. CNN’s Don Lemon highlighted the night of curated

20 years of dealing with 2 loved ones with health problems - it takes FOREVER to be heard and believed. And then you better hope the shift doesn’t change before someone puts it in writing. I won’t get into details for my own sanity but suffice it to say this problem affects everyone deeply although I’m sure, as

Hey man...I’m a g’damned Alpha Male. I dream of grizzly bears, shot gun blasts, V12 engine roars, and chainsaws.

Notice how he fails at playing blind 60% of the time.

The same thing happened to my father (who had a small stroke, which went undiagnosed by his doctors, who more or less told my mother to shut up and sit down when she tried to advocate for him and explain his symptoms, which he was no longer equipped to explain himself), except he died. After we found him unconscious

Keep at it and question everything. Challenge them. Read charts where you can. Demand copies of everything. Make the nurses identify and explain every medication they are providing if you don’t recognize it. Write everything down. Demand your care. Don’t proceed unless you are comfortable. The good doctors have no

My mom had a stroke. Only she walked around stroked out for over a week because the doctor told her she had a flu or some kind of equilibrium problem. She recovered, but she could have died or been permanently damaged. They didn’t take her symptoms seriously. She kept going back to the doctor until she happened to get

Pennsyltucky: Philly, Pittsburgh, and Alabama in between.

Meh. They’re Lutherans. If they believe everything their eponymous leader did they just might.

Seriously. I’m glad he’s alive.

Not where I’m probably going.

It’s colder 6 ft under.

Headline should read: Luckiest Teenager On The Planet Somehow Avoids Getting Blown Away Over A Goddamned Coat.

It looks like one of those Canada Goose coats which are expensive I’m lead to believe, still... fuck it. Take the coat.

I’m in class and I had to comment on this from both perspectives because it goes back to this common trend I see among black young men and their masculinity(maybe I’m digging!). The young man should of just let bruh have that shit, I understand a lot of dudes(especially black men) don’t like anyone testing their

Between insisting that we call each other “niggas” (either in private or in our professional lives, such as writing for a blog!), and willfully perpetuating colorism, at some point, we as blacks have to realize that we can’t “take back” every sorry lemon that was handed to us from slavery on and pretend that we’re