
I agree. But *imo* that’s no excuse to allow a pedophile to REPEATEDLY molest a  year old child. I’ve removed other replies cursing me and insulting me for my opinion. Not because I couldn’t deal with it or didn’t expect it: but I got tired of responding to what other people insinuated into and misinterpreted by what

...see my previous replies

...you don’t know this mother either. You don’t know me either, right? But you’re judging me right? Pot meet kettle. We can all have opinions; obviously based on what we know of a given situation. So trying to shame me or curse me out of my opinion will not work here. And I’m not claiming to be right-but this is how I

No, actually you accused me of cowardice FIRST. I understand the desperation of being illegal. But I know that a huge part of the risk is wanting a better life for one’s kids. So no, staying here is not beneficial if you allow your child to be victimized. Idgadamn how you spin it.

Did I say that or is that what you ASSumed??? Fuck you too

Back at cha bitch, and everyone who might agree with you. I meant that. YOU don’t have to agree. I’ll live.

Listen, I hit my own molester in the face with an iron when I was a child. So maybe YOU only have keyboard courage but you don’t know ME or what I’ve been through.

...but she could have and that’s my point. Though.

The mother is a bigger fucking loser than the pedophile. Fuck-a-threat-of-deportation. I woulda killed this ugly bastard MYSELF and buried him under my rosebushes with his balls in his own mouth. Gotttdamn disgusting. Lorddd its too early for me to be this angry...

He needs to practice what he preaches and get a (real) job himself: instead of talking sh!t about women. For the record, alot of these accusers do seem unreliable but I’m pretty sure that all of them are not lying. Even so, who tf is Bow Wow—I’m sorry ‘Shad’-to discredit these ppl or ASSume that all of these women are

Nope. I betcha THAT wouldn’t have bothered him. He would’ve probably made all kinds of excuses for her in his mind; was probably *mentally ill* or homeless or unable to shave elsewhere, or too fat to reach her lower legs under diff circumstances. I mean look at HIm and his dorky mismatched outfit. Looks like anything

Much like the whyte guy online who attempted to school one of MLK’s kids on her own father’s legacy, we don’t need whypipo educating us on what it is to be black and/or how we interpret things. Who gave this refurbished mannequin look-a-like the green light to tell black folk (in this case Kevin Hart), that we need to

*harshly, correction

totally agree. I’m bothered by anyone who goes on passionate, angry rants about people they don’t know and whose decisions don’t affect them. But it’s even worse when such anger is directed at lBJ, or Oprah, Beyonce, etc. No not everyone is going to like everybody or agree on every topic; but since black folk are

Epic fail Netflix...

…Uh, I can see both sides of the dispute about TO not attending his own Hall of Fame induction, after PUBLICLY whining about being excluded for so long. But Whitlock nor Irvin are in any position to judge this man—or any other, for that matter. I am a hardcore football fan and I was a huge Eagles fan when TO went to

Mic. Dropped. 100!

Why are some whypipo in these United States still stupid enough to do this these days? I know that blackface is common abroad—because it obviously goes unchecked and they think it’s funny. But here in the US it’s culturally KNOWN that it’s offensive. Jackasses

Oh please! Stfu. We all have problems—insulting people and hurling slurs at them doesn’t make problems go away, does it asshat? As a matter of fact, now you have MORE problems cuz your barbaric ignorance was caught on video and witnessed by other people. And give the ‘I’m African/black too’ bullshit a rest: you still

Not that I can imagine any of those (black) athletes would talk to him, nor should they...but a white athlete who’s down for the cause--like Chris Long, should ask Trump to pardon himself, remove himself from office to MAGA.