
“You’re correct.... Sorry for the confusion.”

Nice sarcasm to avoid actually admitting that you did, in fact, utterly butcher the story YOU CHOSE to make some your point (such as it was).

Nik Lidstrom doesn’t even mind that you didn’t think of him.

I’m not sure - I always felt like Sundin got some extra credit for playing in Toronto, although, now that I type that out, it probably just made it worse for him.

Bizarre the amount of petty vitriol directed at these two over the years; they are two of the coolest, nicest, classiest dudes in all of hockey.

If you want to be real generous you could say it was a mistake, that he didn’t see her in the corner perhaps obscured by his A-pillar, and he gunned it out of impatience after seeing the first car move. But then not stopping is what makes this real bad; it’s the “run” part of a “hit and run” that turns what may have

My only quibble with your comment is that Mother Theresa IS ALSO an asshole LOL But yes this is entirely spot on. Elon Musk is amazing.

Fuck, you write a whole reasonable piece and I almost start to agree with you and then you make an exception for Bruce Fucking Springsteen? If anybody needs their shit cut to a reasonable length it’s acts that ooze self-importance.

Likable Canadian dudeguy good at post game interview, to boūt

They found him in a tax shelter?


“Miss me with all that...” is another way of saying, “Don’t try to tell me that...” So it would read, “Don’t try to tell me that it’s a really good show...”

Oh! So when they say “name?” they mean YOUR name? I always assumed it’s what you’re christening your coffee, since they put that name on the cup. All those weird looks make sense now: I name my tall dark strong coffees LeBron and my lattes Gretzky.

I never quite understood why women risk their lives by wearing revealing and sexy clothing out on the town on Saturday nights. I get it, it’s your right, but knowing how men are, you’re basically asking for it. I used to see twenty-something women at clubs in the Meatpacking District in New York where predatory men


Roll tide!

Are they allowed to marry?

Calling this “chanting” is pretty despicable, guys. You’re purposely trying to make this more than it is. The girls are really dumb here but they’re just singing a popular song.