I still miss this type of big-family stuff even though I moved away from Europe, where all the extended family is, when I was still a kid. This article and Terrel Jermaine Starr’s in this series brought back some nice memories.
I still miss this type of big-family stuff even though I moved away from Europe, where all the extended family is, when I was still a kid. This article and Terrel Jermaine Starr’s in this series brought back some nice memories.
I’m not a POC but I’m from there and I know POC who visited, and it’s not great but it’s not bad either. There simply isn’t a history of hate towards black people there, instead racial and ethnic hatred is directed towards minorities they’re familiar with: Romani have it tough, there’s still anti-semitism, people from…
Damn, that’s so awesome! My mom’s family is from near there, just on the other side of the border with Poland, near Przemysl . I try to go back there as often as I can, the area is so beautiful; rolling hills, little villages, field roads like the one in your blackberry and butterfly picture, wooden churches (both…
Will it be the same judge though? Isn’t the pre-trial judge often different than the trial judge?
Another question for the lawyers: will it be possible for him to be found guilty of one of the murders but not the other? Or is it an all-or-nothing deal?
Germans in 1933 were possibly the smartest, best educated people in the world then, but almost half of them voted for an Austrian colonel to restore German economy and national pride. They were all anti-Semitic to some degree in order to go along with or ignore Hitler’s antisemitism, but the Nazis wouldn’t have made…
Up here things are different: https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=ids&document=index&lang=e#list
I didn’t think the discrepancy was so big:
He’s still on streaming services like Spotify, they’re just not listing him in their recommendations.
Are driver’s licenses accepted as voting IDs?
Something doesn’t add up.
The other being that although one could be sheltered (or accultured) growing up, have mental or physical disabilities that limits one’s worldview or even be economically disadvantaged and isolated, these are not viable excuses for racism. Because after about age 21, if one can learn in any capacity, has tv/radio or…
Meh, the barrier to nomination is low, there were over 300 nominations for the 2020 prize and Trump is a nominee for this year’s prize too. If BLM wins however...
Look up “MAGA Coping Twitter” for some great schadenfreude, possibly with videos like this.
...but also started soaking them in a salt water bath the night before because she pointed out that slaughterhouses didn’t properly bleed the birds anymore and the salt water bath helped work out any old blood.
Will she be able to do more for melanated people in one or two years as a vice-president than Obama did as president in eight? Maybe I’m wrong, but observing from the outside I get the impression that people of colour in the US made incremental, rather than radical progress during Obama’s terms.
At 6:35 of the video: “Michigan is NOT a stop and ID state...” So there’s a bunch of States where cops CAN lawfully order you to state your name?! Man, what kind of communist police-state shithole are you guys running down there? ;)
Many great kayaking spots around Vancouver Island, and if you go in a group of two or three (which you should, for safety on the ocean), your kayaks will fit enough for a 5 day excursion, more if you don’t need to bring all your drinking water. But I find canoes much easier to carry, they have that thing for your…
That’s the case with so much food out there: polenta, escargot, quinoa. Simple poor peasant food that tastes great gets elevated, while many fancy complex recipes the elite used to eat are forgotten.
I saw some on a kayaking trip on the west coast of Vancouver Island a couple years ago. Also interesting were small pocket beaches made entirely of finely ground shells, which formed because that was the area the indigenous people from the village next to the water would dump their seafood garbage.