...whomever else thought they were smart enough to hide their stupidity from actual smart folks.
I think what that neighbour did when he told the old racist to walk the other way is good, and if he had turned his back and pretended he didn’t see anything if the black lady had smacked the Karen then that would have been OK too.
Dude, there already is such a database for the most serious cases anyway, here is Loeahmann’s file: http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=timothy+loehmann
Seriously: I’ve seen one of those in Vietnam on a Russian jeep-equivalent used for tourist transport in the villages. Except instead of a giant tank there was a hose running from the cooling system in the engine up to a funnel fixed to the windshield frame, and occasionally the driver’s son who was sitting in the…
“Crap modded out of it?” He didn’t lift it to fit 37" tires; all the mods he lists in the ad are additions and minor mods that are very common and hard to screw-up on 80's and 90's 4x4 trucks.
she first demanded to see the hotel’s surveillance video to try to pinpoint who may have taken her phone. She says she then asked someone else in the hotel lobby to “empty their pocket,” before ultimately confronting Keyon Harrold Jr., who she maintained had her phone in his pocket
I think engineerthefuture is basically asking “what’s the point, what’s in it for her?” From what I understand she already served her sentence (convicted in 2001, 10 year sentence), so this wasn’t about getting her out of jail.
Another thing that may get people wary about this vaccine: it acts on your RNA, telling it to make your cells to create a certain protein. This is different from traditional vaccines and it could be thought of as (it is?) genetic engineering/modification; cue the paranoia and conspiracy theories.
I got a young kid and I mostly agree with AirplaneBuilder. Punching a guy to get him off your kid is fine; continuing to beat him until he’s unconscious with a “shattered face” is taking it too far.
And Iran? It’s hard to find two ideologies more OPPOSED to socialism and Marxism than their current theocracy or the monarchy that preceded it.
Or she could have just asked politely. “Excuse me sir, I’m missing a phone that looks just like the one your son is holding, is that his or are you taking it to the hotel’s lost-and-found?” Even that might still cause some friction, but it wouldn’t be worthy of being posted here and her getting doxxed.
Sure, but even Ford and Harper are far to the left of the Republicans. Culturally they’re to the right of Democrats but when it comes to economic policy even our Conservatives are to the left of the US Democratic party. Some of that is due to the traditions, culture, and political momentum in Canada; but some is due…
It doesn’t have to be a 50/50 split right away though. The third party could be very small to start with, a handful of seats and a senator or two. No chance to win a presidential election at first, but if it votes as a small block then it could be a tie-breaker on important issues. It could line itself up with the…
Whatever caused them to design it like that, it’s a bad design. When something goes wrong in one engine, spinning and exploding parts reach the other engine on that side and sometimes cut across the cabin to hit the engines on the other side too. That’s what happened to two different IL-62s sold to Lot (Polish)…
Will big girls also think about how his penis is?
He may be on to something; back in the spring Pornhub provided their premium content for free to help flatten the curve, but now that offer has ended and COVID cases have spiked higher than ever.
I don’t get it: which McMichaels and shot dead by who and when?
Oh come on, this can’t be real. This has to be an Onion reporter with actors.
I thought that both Champion and Paul come off surprisingly well with those quotes at the bottom of the article.