
You know, there are a lot of metrics out there that strongly suggest that the overwhelming majority - anywhere between 50% and 80% - of Pewdiepie’s subscribers are bot accounts. The most damning one, surprisingly, is the ratio of subscribers versus views-per-video - it’s something like 20% of what most moderately

The e-Reader was such bullshit because its primary premise was a lie. There was no actual “content” on any of those cards besides what essentially boiled down to a key that let you unlock content that was already on the game cartridge in question. Truly, primitive DLC it was not.

To some extent, I agree with you. The only context in which this would have made sense to me is if it were also getting ported to the Switch. You know, like everyone expected and wanted. But now, as a PS4 exclusive, it’s just kind of... a letdown.

Does this mean we can finally get the gay Geralt fantasy we’ve always dreamed of?

God, this is C R I M I N A L that these are exclusive to Japan. MTG desperately needs to diversify its art style, and fuck, it’s not like the overwhelming majority of MTG nerds aren’t also huge weebs or anything.

God, Nintendo is really pushing the grossness this year.

The KH3 problem is really just a JRPG problem, but Nomura’s works are especially notorious for it. For a game that bills itself as an “action RPG”, you’d think that the action part of it would be more expedited, but, well, Nomura’s too busy sniffing his own farts to give a shit about the gameplay.

No, but it would kill Silent Hill.

If you’ve spent any time in mainland China, you should know that it’s not really that difficult to acquire pretty much anything that’s “not approved” to distribute in China through the grey market. This is especially true of consumer electronics, and doubly especially true of video game consoles, as it always has

Ironically, this is exactly the opposite of what I was expecting them to do - namely, release a cheaper, TV-only Switch model. I mean, the Switch is already quite small, and I question the value of making one even smaller, especially if it’s also gonna come with smaller Joy-Cons (or skip the Joy-Cons entirely for

Well, the crazy thing is that there are PLENTY of places IN THIS COUNTRY where one can easily get by on about $1000/month. Of course, no one wants to actually live there because there’s nothing worth living there for; but these places are also where most of the country’s conservative populations live. What REALLY

Actually I’m pretty sure that, except for that wild Skarmory, my very first direct experience with Gen 2 was the premiere of the Johto anime, where Ash runs into the Chikorita (which I also immediately fell in love with).

This is the LAST place on the internet I would have expected to see Chris Fleming, but I am EXTREMELY pleased.

Skarmory holds a weird but special place in my heart because it was the first gen 2 Pokemon I ever saw as a kid - and coincidentally, it was also the first Japanese Pokemon TCG card I ever saw, which I desperately traded a friend for. I remember vividly how awesome I thought it was at the time, as it somehow made me

It’s definitely not a spectacular game, but it’s also definitely not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Ironically, I still prefer XIII over XV, despite XV being much better received. XIII’s problems were mostly in the narrative (disjointed) and world presentation (hallway simulator), but XV was practically

Goddamn, if this isn’t a mood. Tetsuya Nomura’s essence has become a blight upon the franchise that, quite frankly, needs to be drained. It’s a shame that most of the people I would want to do so are no longer with SqEx.

I don’t know if this is some “old saying” or variant thereof, but generally speaking, if you think you’re “starting to get good” at something, you’re actually just started to get good enough to begin to realize how bad you are.

Honestly for me, the biggest turnoff is when they just have the food stacked outrageously high in a bowl. Like how the hell are you even supposed to start eating that? If you’re gonna bring out that much food, they need to be either using a bigger dish or more dishes. There’s a lot to be said about presentation here,

To be fair, if that’s the level of surrealism it takes to turn you off from something, then you should probably avoid Ace Attorney like the plague, because it actively spits in realism’s face on a constant basis.

Is it bad that the most offensive thing I find about this story is the fact that his in-game character is literally just himself, down to the shitty suit and tie?  I mean, I would expect no level of creativity from such a person, but come the fuck on.