
I can’t wait for this to get filibustered for the next 2 years!

You know, after the relative (and very refreshing) transparency of the development of FFXIV and FFXV, I had come to have a renewed impression of Square Enix - that maybe their approach to PR and listening to their fans was changing for the better, and that maybe their development habits would also change, creating a

The real April Fool’s is the fact that this is happening on Reddit, arguably one of the most redpilled non-anonymous sites on the Internet.

Also, Souls games have proven successful BECAUSE they buck that trend and provide players with a real challenge (which people are CLEARLY starving for).

Let’s not with this narrative, okay sweatie?

All Cops (Class Traitors) Must Be Deleted Immediately.

I will never understand why racists love basketball so much.

To be fair, he was probably very specifically targeted for grooming by the alt-right troll farms to exploit his wealth and influence to push their agendas. Ironically, it seems to have had the opposite effect: he’s hoarded his money like a cartoon character and absolutely no one can take him seriously anymore. Plus, in

A friend from high school and I decided to get an apartment together not too far out of high school. We were great friends at the time and had largely the same interests, so it seemed logical at the time to pool our resources to help each other get on our feet. Unfortunately I didn’t know how much of a narcissistic

Honestly same. Video games reached what I would consider close enough to “photorealism” years ago, but we still can’t get a console that can run those games at 1080p/60fps? THAT is where our priorities need to be, NOT at trying to push out microcosmic details for the upper 1% of the people who can actually afford the

I... I don’t think he’s ever actually seen Lord of the Rings. Or anything beyond the one major war scene, completely out of context.

Basically all Netflix-for-games services have failed, and primarily due to the fact that an INCREDIBLY small number of citizens actually have internet speeds high enough for it to be usable (and also extreme latency compared to local hardware, which makes many, MANY games arguably unplayable).

I can’t think of a single thing that has neutered my excitement for a game more than this.

But does anyone out there actually want to see that video in the first place?

Spoiler alert: All sugar is evil. All. Of. It. Literally stop eating and drinking everything right fucking now.

But see, that would require putting in effort. And that’s not been a thing Konami has had any interest in doing in a VERY long time.

Ugh, why does this stupid shit always happen in Smash? It’s really not good optics for their “community”.

The fact that you carry a [portable console] around with you is the weirdest thing.

You can now get MicroSD adapters for the Vita, but ironically, they will only work on hacked consoles.

Tetris 99 not being on here is a war crime and I will not stand for it.