Why don’t you have a goddamn Pulitzer?
As likely as it seems like that is, Scientology is not a murder cult. They do a whole lot of really horrible shit, but they wouldn’t do anything outright criminal that would draw attention to themselves. Remember that Scientology is NOTHING without its tax-exempt status, and they would never do anything that would…
Honestly, cis people really need to stop conflating biological sex and gender, no matter how “well-intentioned” they may be. There is absolutely no reason to assign a “gender” to a creature that LACKS THE MENTAL FACULTIES TO POSSESS A GENDER IDENTITY. What goes on a birth certificate is BIOLOGICAL SEX. NOT putting the…
Honey, don’t we all.
I have no idea why you’re bringing up a dead-on-arrival console like the Wii U. Were you holding out for a Persona 4 port on the Wii U? Because if so, lol.
It started as a spinoff of SMT, but Persona pretty much exists in its own space right now. Also the focus on old-school gameplay and graphics in the mainline SMT series made it more suitable for platforms like the DS and 3DS. Persona would not have been a good fit on those platforms because the design philosophy of…
GOTYEs are largely a Western gaming industry phenomenon. Japanese developers don’t need to adhere to these archaic rules. They can remaster any game whenever the fuck they want to.
Mmm no, I don’t think it’s anything like that, it’s just that it’s thusfar made the most sense domestically to put them on Sony platforms because these games target the “hardcore” audience in Japan (and Nintendo consoles have been historically way less powerful than Sony consoles). Persona spinoffs have appeared on…
First she came for the twinks, and I said nothing, because I was not a twink.
What is the best way for law enforcement to handle this kind of thing?
All in all, Amazon’s value from the consumer side has decreased considerably over the past few years. While when I first started shopping on Amazon with Prime things tended to be cheaper there, I’ve noticed that recently the opposite is true - MANY every day items on Amazon come at a considerable premium. What are you…
But it always does, and it always will. Or at least, as long as Late Capitalism remains standing.
Thumbs only. Charts are designed to be played with thumbs, and you will never encounter an “impossible” button combination, such as 1+3 (left + right) or 4+5+6 (all right-side face buttons). DJMAX, MYSYNX, and this game all use the same core chart design. (To a lesser extent, Superbeat Xonic, but it suffers even MORE…
These kinds of cops are why I still believe in the death penalty, because those motherfuckers need to CEASE TO EXIST.
I mean, to me, it reads like they’re quite literally calling him an asshole, so if anything, it’s entirely apropos.
I mean, at least cannabis has like, actual value to society.
I have no problem with the buttons themselves, it’s the placement of the buttons that sucks (specifically, that it uses the Xbox configuration of mismatched analog sticks).
That’s... not really the point I was making. DJMAX works fine on a controller, as it has for like a decade now, but only because the buttons are in the same place for both thumbs. The fact that Nintendo has decided to adopt the Xbox analog layout completely ruins that.
LOL nice joke