From what I’ve heard, those only work in docked mode.
From what I’ve heard, those only work in docked mode.
You know, I’m kind of amazed at how many 6B rhythm games are on the Switch, considering how fundamentally inadequate the controllers are for it. Maybe if one could sync a Dualshock controller in portable mode (or get a left joycon with the joystick and buttons swapped), it would be actually comfortable to play them,…
Is there no way to sue the fuck out of these people?
I’m probably only like 10% through the whole mode after spending SEVERAL hours on it, and honestly, I think it’s great. It’s an extremely fun way to introduce new players to the gameplay, or old players to the new mechanics, without it being hamfisted to you by “friends” in regular versus mode. I also find it WAY more…
What, seriously? Do you ACTUALLY think that Nintendo is the only company in the video game industry who cares about video games and the people who play them? (I mean, that statement is itself quite debatable, but I’m not getting into that here.) Just because Nintendo does one thing relatively well, you you think that…
I love how every game-breaking bug that’s been found so far has involved Isabelle. She’s so hilariously busted that even the game can’t handle it.
Unfortunately, with a franchise with as huge of a character roster as GBF, it’s gonna be really hard to please everyone. Specifically, I know that a LOT of people will NOT be pleased if the OTOKOOOOO trio isn’t in it. And if they are, they BETTER have the fundoshi alternate costumes.
That’s not exactly how things played out. Nomura was effectively booted off the project for failing to meet multiple deadlines, and Tabata was tasked with salvaging the scraps of whatever Nomura had produced by that time into a sellable product. He did that amazingly well - and not many people could have - but…
I don’t remember the context exactly, but this mode was used on a promotional livestream at some point. I believe it was either some developers or PR staff using it to “compete”. Although it’s cool that this can in fact be triggered in the final build of the game (through hacks), it’s definitely not “new”.
Of all the famous black men you could choose to defend, Kevin Hart is probably not the best option.
natural flavor
I like A1, but weirdly, not for steak. A1 can be used to cover up a bad steak, but a good steak shouldn’t need any weird sauces to “make it good”.
I mean, technically, even that’s seasoned - usually with rice vinegar and dashi. And the fish in sushi is rarely truly “raw”, but rather lightly salt-preserved.
To be fair, this is more of a failing of Nintendo rather than a failing of Smash specifically. They’ll never figure out how to do online correctly. This is just a fact of life.
Well fuck, there goes my money!
KH3 actually has two separate songs, both with their own Japanese and English versions. I believe that Chikai/Don’t Think Twice is the ending theme, or the main image track, whereas Face My Fears (same title for both versions) is the opening theme (i.e., the song that will play during the opening movie).
That song is awful lol. (Well, Utada’s part is fine, obviously. They should have just gotten the same people who did the remixes for Simple and Clean/Sanctuary to do this one.)
Although I would personally be very surprised, this definitely seems to hint at that, at least. The game is already very low on resources, and is apparently also quite modular (given the PS3 version) so it’s not at all impossible for them to do.
SonicFox is single-handedly saving video games.