
There’s a book by Alastair Reynolds called Pushing Ice where humanity discovers that one of Saturn’s moons was an alien structure and when they go to explore it, it takes off into deep space with the humans on it still. It’s an excellent book and I hope this is what’s happening here.

The armor’s meant to project a field that hinders impacts from high velocity rounds, but it can’t tell friend from foe on its own. By the time an enemy is close enough to pierce the soft, flexy bits between plate segments, it’s up to the wearer to react. If they can’t, and they die, that’s on them, really.

I haven't put in a ton of time playing MOBAs like League and Heroes of the Storm yet, so I'm guessing that more experienced players have a lot more stories than I do. One that's stuck with me ever since I first came across it on the League subreddit is so touching it bears repeating. Actually, I can't really do it