fuck em! There are plenty of hours in the day to have fun. And there are thousands of people in those apartment buildings trying to get sleep before work/school.
4th of july is one night that everyone knows is coming a year away. This has been like this every night for almost a week now.
While I am surprised that a mistake like this would have been made, I applaud any automaker that voluntarily recalls cars after finding a potential problem and owns up to their mistakes. I like a company that takes responsibility like that and it makes me respect Porsche.
so, Alton Sterling did not brandish an illegally concealed weapon to threaten someone with it-the whole reason the cops were called in the first place-and then refuse to comply with direct police orders-at least two verbal commands to get on the ground can be heard in the video, before a tazer can be be heard and…
I see your perspective perfectly fine and agree with it...I do have issue with utilizing PG though making this a bit melodramatic or click-bait. You could just as easily have said, “Pedestrian Waze Could Be A Death Sentence For A Black Man.” But in deference to reality I concede the point of your posting and the site,…
I loved Syndicate. The Jack the Ripper DLC was good too
The APR should be a number you don’t even look at, unless it’s 0%. Never carry a balance!
The APR should be a number you don’t even look at, unless it’s 0%. Never carry a balance!
There was a time in my life where I cared about the interest rates on my credit cards. I would call them quarterly and try and negotiate my rates down (to varying success), then I realized that it was absolutely stupid to be paying them interest. So I no longer do that. I either pay off my CCs every month or if they…
There was a time in my life where I cared about the interest rates on my credit cards. I would call them quarterly…
If you don’t carry credit card balances it’s better.
If you don’t carry credit card balances it’s better.
not the 5% back Amazon Store Card. Normally, that’s the better card for heavy Amazon shoppers
not the 5% back Amazon Store Card. Normally, that’s the better card for heavy Amazon shoppers
It’s a repetitive game in general, but at about 15 hours in, it hasn’t become a drag at all. That said, a lot of my favorite games are pretty repetitive (most open world releases are, it seems), so my threshold for that might be higher than yours.
I actually appreciate how weak the story is. The whole plot so far is basically “Build your car!” I don’t know if I’d want much more from a Mad Max game. I’m not even that familiar with the movies, but it matches perfectly with the cultural ethos of the character.
I’m in the same spot. Was very interested in Mad Max around release but then the reviews left me cold and I ended up not buying it. Was waiting for a sale like this and finally bought it. I’m still only about 7h in, and I’m constantly thinking about playing it. I’m getting tired of open world games but when Mad Max is…
Where’s the data on that? Permarital holdouts having high likelyhood for divorce?
Or is this mostly hearsay from your community?
Duron Carter is a dickhead, the coach flopped and Canadian penalties sound adorable.
Highly likely you will just get 4 more years of the same shit. A forced Clinton or Trump running again.
Every time I see a walking mushroom my first reaction is to jump on it.
The ladies at the club weren't sufficiently impressed until I told them that my Chevy Beretta was, in fact, a Z26.