Any ID episodes that you particularly recommend?
Any ID episodes that you particularly recommend?
60 days in I need to try. Sounds intriguing. Also true detective. I’m lost without my better call saul.
They belong there.
can you respond to me from the homebar so I can see that my acct is working?
i’ve hated the pc offerings until MS is now thankfully bringing Forza over.
i’m just happy they brought Forza to pc
Go Braves. They can rag on us all they want. Also this isn’t a serious sports site. It’s more of a gimmicky one.
Forza on an xone controller...thanks xbox people. Love, pc people.
Just pretend this is for Monday then and all is good.
be careful because this one they are still shipping the version before being revised last summer aka no 3.5mm jack or revised bumpers.
be careful because this one they are still shipping the version before being revised last summer aka no 3.5mm jack…
For the xone controller + cable people should note that they are still shipping the old version (as seen in the Q/A section as recently as a few days ago). This does not include the 3.5mm jack or revised bumper buttons. The date first available on this is 2014 while the standalone controller is right when the…
For the xone controller + cable people should note that they are still shipping the old version (as seen in the Q/A…
Neither are full-fledged sims. Which is good for me because I don’t enjoy playing sims. I get what you all are saying but b/c of my feelings in my other post I’m not joining in on a Forza v GT battle. I think if I had to choose one to come to PC I’d take GT but that wouldn’t make any sense. I’ll also take mlb: the…
As a PC user, I will happily take what I can get in the quality “simcade” department aka I happily welcome Forza or GT. NFS is arcadey junk and Project Cars is half-baked with a horrible progression system and you need a wheel. Forza blew me away when I fired it up. I had never played it and hadn’t played GT since…
“Oh look honey it’s skip, over there, we haven’t been banned”
hilarious...we’re right here. can you reply so I can see if my account is working properly
lol @ “knowing off the bat what kind of person they are”
Sure being a social justice warrior is great. Social justice, good stuff. How can we argue with that? And who doesn’t want to be called a “warrior” anyway. The problem is in the execution of the sjw philosophy. The ripping on everyone and everything all the time. Should be called “the perpetually outraged.”