Daniel Miller

The fact that this woman is in critical condition — rather than deceased — shows how safe cars are these days.

It was a person using their phone to video a computer monitor.

I think it was a guy filming a screen playing the security footage with his phone

The worst? You don’t spend much time browsing liveleak, I guess.

The lives of Craigslist sellers must be so hectic. I picture the seller of that Pontiac sprinting by his car with his phone out, snapping a picture...

Hint - forget the icrap 10 and get the car


can’t hit and kill innocent pedestrians while doing it either

Are those purposes like intensive care? It’s intents and purposes. My god! You made my eye twitch before bed!

Looks like a McLaren F1 with a mouth opener at the dentist office...

Sorry, I look at this car and my first thought was that someone at Mercedes picked their favorite parts of their competitors and made a car out of it. Sure, they may build amazing engines but its just that. Mercedes hasn’t designed a car like this in how long? The SLR was basically a Mclaren with a Merc engine. The

Pretty aggressive heels on these shoes

Who is the child on stage with the car wearing a brown coat?


The F1 top speed record is 229.9 MPH, it’s designed to be a F1 car for the street not a Veyron killer.

Do you people even read the press releases?

Now I just want Tacos. Never mind the 1000hp hyper car.

wow rude

I’m pretty sure Tom knocked this one out of the park. The Volvo V90 is perfect. The ultimate non SUV people mover/sports wagon/gear hauler. Plus it is so nice to look at!