Probably has nothing to do with all those laws purportedly aimed at ‘keeping women safe’...probably
Probably has nothing to do with all those laws purportedly aimed at ‘keeping women safe’...probably
I don’t trust people who wear robes out of the house.
“The video doesn’t corroborate our story, but trust us, it’s our story that’s right and not the video. Because video, much like science and the female orgasm, is a just a bunch of lies.”
And by bad guys, you mean folks of the darker persuasion...
Yeah, they have police who don’t assume every civilian is a bad guy and shoot first.
What police in other countries do? Use their training, backup and non-lethal weapons?
I get it...Turner, like the Turner Diaries.
I’m sorry, what were you saying?
The poll, conducted between March and June, interviewed 16,000 Americans and included 21 questions on attitudes about race.
Police violence isn’t down because police violence was never measured before. The Washington Post started a police shooting archive less than 2 years ago, the first in the country. It counted nearly 1000 police killings in its first year. That’s more people killed by police than any gang in the country. 3 people a day…
Right country. This is America where police aren’t supposed to shoot people who have their hands in the air.
That poll was June 28th...
Here’s a fact, there’s a video from Oklahoma that’s shows a man with his hands up in the air being called a ‘bad looking dude’ from several hundred feet up in the air by someone in a helicopter.
Silly black people, freedom is for white people.
Yeah, he pokes holes in his condoms and then convinces the women to have his kids.
Ah yes, Don King, convicted of murdering someone by stomping them to death over $600...the ideal surrogate.
You know what’s even scarier? It’s not just a Trump thing. Hillary supporters are only about 30% less racist than Trump supporters.
Obviously he’s going to get prisoners to pay for it.
“Police are shooting minorities too much”
Being a bright spot on the Browns is a terrible career move.