
You need to watch his episode of Law and Order to cure you of that. (yes, I know it’s acting)

Think about this then. If they hadn’t fired her, she’d still be there spewing all the same tripe about made up sexual harassment suits and how women don’t really earn less than men.

Grobe was insistent throughout his first response he was unaware of who Shawn Oakman is

1st American killed by British soldiers was a freed black man at the Boston massacre, so whenever a white person says black people should leave ‘their’ country, just be sure to point out that black people have fought and died in every war the US has participated in, often at much higher rates than their white

I didn’t mean that kicker couldn’t be intelligent, just the intelligence required to do the job. Offensive linemen are often portrayed as lumbering oafs when it’s one of the most mentally challenging positions on the field. Defensive linemen on the other hand just have to know which gap to shoot and how to clog a

It’s amazing how quickly you dismiss Hillary’s past, but have no problem bringing up Bernie’s from 2 decades ago. Find me a single important vote where both Hillary and Bernie voted and disagreed, and where Hillary was right. I’ll wait.

Intelligence power ranking by position:

Thanks. We finally agree on something. In the 60s while Bernie was getting arrested at civil rights rallies, Hillary was supporting a segregationist republican. But people being idiots as they are didn’t give a damn and voted for the name they’d heard on the talking box that time.

Public auction like what just happened to Gawker.

Why can’t that incentive be to provide a better life for everyone’s family. To make the world a better place? Instead of the “I got mine” mentality, it’s the “how can I help” mentality.

Kinda makes you think that when people actually talk about why they’re voting for someone, people don’t vote for Hillary doesn’t it? When people don’t talk they just vote for whosoever’s name they recognize without thinking. Hence we have Clinton and Trump. Almost like the vast majority of the voting public is

No. We’re supposed to live in a meritocracy where an individuals ability/drive are what make success. Being born into billions dollars shouldn’t make you a powerful political force. You’re a shlub who never worked a day in your life telling other people how they should live theirs.

Sadly, Kenneth Cop wanted to be an attorney his whole life but was constantly told he was on the wrong side of the law.

It uses closed primaries in far more states and Hillary dominated those. All Hillary’s biggest wins came from states were independent voters weren’t allowed to vote in the primary or southern states where the democratic primaries mean jack shit. So congrats to Hillary for picking up votes from people who’d vote

I actually think that one is a fair question because it can be answered either way. “no, I believe in refraining from sex until marriage” “yeah, people can do whatever they hell they want”

Looks like we just found ourselves the new director of the Trump Foundation.

“We intend to portray the plaintiff as a money grubbing whore. Do you have a problem with that?”

15. Have you heard the phrase “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” What does that phrase make you think?

Texas has towns called Ding Dong, Hogeye, Cut And Shoot, White Settlement, and Loco.

You’ve got Essex in CT, but you’re skipping the entire county of Middlesex in MA?