
The ‘press’ never had a duty to the nation. They’re duty was to sell papers, ads, etc. They’re for-profit businesses not charities. The reason the press gives Trump free coverage is because people watch it. Including people who hate Trump. Want the press to stop giving him free coverage? Convince America to stop

Please make this an Olympic event in 2020.

Similar thing to the other side. No one’s going to demand Hillary release her speech transcripts because they’ve already decided they’re voting for Hillary even if she’s secretly sacrificing infants every night.

2 candidates with pathological aversions to transparency...the leadership we deserve.

Except that was a criminal act and you know a minority committing a criminal act is likely to get shot which would be ironic given the subject of the protest to begin with.

Other people do bad things so it’s ok for us to do bad things!

Because he has a penis and this is Jezebel. Body shaming is completely acceptable against men, because ‘reasons’

That means if you tossed a coin 10 times, Trump would be president 4 of those times. If those numbers don’t bother you, I think that’s worrisome.

If Hillary supports her, you’re supposed to support her. Nothing that doesn’t rave about how wonderful Hillary is or her people are will be tolerated here.

Just a thought, win the election before deciding on what curtains you want in the Lincoln bedroom.

Because we didn’t buy these expensive golden curtains to not hide things behind them.

Who are you to question someone else’s love?

When Tim Tebow heals Johnny Manziel’s disease with the power of Jesus during a live special at half time during the super bowl, we will reach critical mass and call it a day.

Jerry Jones. We all know Garrett isn’t a real coach.

Kevin Johnson doesn’t make the list? Deadspin was all over the story and he’s still mayor of Sacramento.

Exactly. ‘Wages are so low because of government intervention, and if government would deregulate everything, businesses would give everyone raises.’

“Wonder if that great sleeping spot under the overpass will still be available in January”

Have you been watching the Patriots THIS year? The defense has been the strength of the team. With offense all in the training room it’s been the defense that allowed them to win 12 games. Even in the games they lost the defense gave them a chance to win.

Let’s assume there’s a population of 100 women and 100 men and they’re screwing like rabbits. If you sterilize 90 women, you’re not getting more than 10 babies that year. If you sterilize 90 men, you could still get 100 babies that year.