
Not even salted? Ripoff. I wouldn’t pay more than $5000 for an unsalted cracker.

Haven’t clicked link. Betting $10 it was written by a man.

Here’s the problem with cutting agriculture. You have to commit to it. Once an almond tree dies, it will take years to get it back. That’s why they’re so reluctant to do it. They’re betting on things getting better. But it’s been 4 years now and at some point you have to make tough decisions.

Yes. Go to his profile and see his recommendations. If his own comment is recommended, he starred it. And having done so...I can confirm he did in fact self-star.

-There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
- Are there? What are they? Tell us. - Do they hurt?
- Tell me, what do you do with witches?
- Burn them!
- And what do you burn, apart from witches?
- More witches! - Wood!
- So why do witches burn?
- ‘Cause they’re made of wood? - Good!
- How do we tell if she is

The cause really is irrelevant. I agree that global warming is probably to blame. Does it change anything? Would stopping 100% CO2 emissions today do anything at all to ease the drought? Nope. Not a damn thing.

A drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall. There is no solution to a drought, period. Doesn’t get any simpler.

No. The drought will still be there, but you’ll have 5 times more usable water than you do now.

How’s this then. One sentence from one non-profit, non-partisan, think tank. Think you can handle that much?

You ask for scientific data, I provide links to scientific data. Then you put words in my mouth I never said. “no new problems will replace them”? really? I said that? Then you complain that the evidence you didn’t look through wasn’t the evidence you were looking for. Wow dude. k...

You lack water. You grow crops that require huge amounts water.

So your plan is to force everyone to stop drinking water so they can keep growing almonds? What do you think happens when the water runs out? The crops die and people lose the jobs anyway. There isn’t a magic water tap they can turn on and refill the aquifers.

I’m under the impression that California is beholden to moneyed lobby interests who pressure the state legislature not to enact sensible changes. I know, that’s shocking.

Many choices. Move to new industries, move to new locations, or grow different crops.

I’m saying water is probably more important for people’s survival than money. Yes.

I for one approve of our new vehicular overlords.

Are they interested in money or surviving? The water isn’t coming back any time soon.

I think California needs to stop using 80% of its water resources on agriculture if it’s seriously interested in maintaining its water resources.

Obviously the trees aren’t grown in places where there is a water shortage. I took the latest USGS and made a diagram...