
Well, that makes sense, seeing as it's a fake URL I posted as a joke.

Just commenting on a four years old article to say that the current Max Landis adaptation is making me miss this one something fierce.

Not saying "no" doesn't equal consent. Consent is saying "yes".

What a bunch of jerks.

And now the video's apparently been taken down. What the hell.

Death *is* on the note, he's the one sitting to the left in the behind-the-scenes shot.

Going "all lives matter" in response to "black lives matter" is pretty dumb, to say the least.

Zahn actually published a new Star Wars novel not that long ago, "Scoundrels", so I don't think he really considers himself done with the universe. I do hope his novels are allowed to maintain a continuity of their own even if Disney disowns the whole B canon.

So is anyone taking bets on how long it takes before it goes Free to Play? I'm guessing less than a year.

I never saw the point of pickpocketing people you're about to murder in Skyrim, but in the Fallouts you can plant explosives on them and run. That's a good time.