
You don’t know whether he did it or not, after he apologized, paid restitution, and admitted he did wrong? Then you are just intentionally looking away.

Come on now we all know this fucked up justice system is a joke, both ways. Lack of conviction means nothing particular for a celebrity.

Right, wasn’t expecting the pimp to denigrate women.

A man needs to own his past, in life and in death. If he didn’t want to have his family be reminded of this shit at his passing then he shouldn’t have done it in the first place. And stop saying it’s his family. It is YOU who don’t want to be reminded of a fact that even Kobe can’t deny cause he settled and apologized

Yes. The H2 infrastructure is much more constrained and achievable, and while battery powered planes may work for puddle jumpers but won’t work with long flights.

All things considered, I’d rather than save the climate than save a few more whales. And I like whales.

What is the First Law going to tell him? That 100% efficiency is impossible? He fumbled it but I think the Mr. First Law will say that Solar->Electricity->Propeller is probably still going to be more efficient than conversion into H2 and then the fuel cell to convert back to electricity.

Converting my Prius into a camper because it’s great when parked and left on, for exactly the reasons you cited. The battery pack is great for house electricity stuff, and can even AC on all night without worrying as the engine kicks in only as needed. And the gas mileage of a hybrid on a road trip is awesome.

The Series Hybrid drivetrain is much less demanding than ICE so the frame is easier to build. I imagine an DIYer can do it.

Why did Australia develop its own engines instead of using existing GM/Ford ones? Do they have particular requirements that couldn’t be met otherwise? Just national pride and wanted their own? 

I like street tags / graffiti as much as the next guy, but with so many RVs now basecamp for the homeless, I don’t think you want your RV to be just tagged randomly like the example you show unless you are fine with never being let into a campground again.

Pedo Defenders!

Easy. Pornhub send PayPal’s exec’s individual porn watching history to respective person. Issues resolved.

Yourretelling” of the article left out the most important part, the reason his restrictive diet made him go blind. But oh no, you went right to the most clickbaity part. I had to read the original article to understand the problem, that the diet caused “nutritional optic neuropathy (NON)“. #YouHadOneJob

FUCK LENO. That is all.

Had a deadline and needed a topic for Truck Yeah, eh?

Now playing

Not that innovative. Rwanda (Rwanda!) has been doing drone delivery of blood for three years.

But but but he’s an entrepreneur! Focus and ignore rules is what they do!!

There are legit issues of privacy violation, but this is not one of them. When you go to a workplace, be it retail, commercial or industrial, your privacy is not the same as if you are at home. They can take photos of you to identify you, they can have CCTV in the workplace, they can ask you to pee for drug testing.

If you build the plane with enough lift like a glider, you can just ride the thermal all day long.