
If you think a famous and rich person like MJ, with an army of the best lawyers, was able to convince a jury that there’re reasonable doubt implies he didn’t do it. Also, that was a different alleged victim.

Unpopular: The cop needs psychological help and agrees with those who said if his skin is so thin he shouldn’t be dealing with the public until he’s rehabilitated. HOWEVER, I do think that he at least handled it civilly (and on video as a record, so he’s not running away from his behavior) rather than resorting to his

Jalops rock.

The police should at the very least have looked up the perpetrator’s criminal record and see that he’s on parole from sexual violence charges and reached out to the parole officer, and view the case as a higher probability to happen based on previous evidence. Also, do crimes no longer get committed when an officer is

I counted 3, actually.

Haha, this line kinda makes me crack up as an AI guy: “And to my eyes, objects can be more reliably tracked by the software, particularly at night.”

You can patent ways to manipulate science to do x. but you can’t patent science, otherwise Newton would have owned the world.

Science means Na + Cl -> NaCl. Or how electron flows. Nobody owns that. You can own electricity generation though. Or pink Himalayan rock salt.

you are confusing engineering vs science. you can’t own gravity, but you can own the design and IP to create an anti-gravity field generator.

Um, no one can own science. Not even NASA.

America used to love underdogs of all stripes. And then we became dominant, followed later by us getting fat, bloated, and wasteful. So now any underdog which remotely threaten our top dog existence gets yelled down, because deep inside we know we are not truly deserving.

Just as I thought, this is not about the journal or King or even that teacher. It’s about your experience as a teacher being treated “unfairly”.

Obviously the passengers can’t be treated the same as the driver, who is just riff raff. Come on.

Not producer, director, or agent, but please someone go after photographer Terry Richardson. He deserves it.