I have lost respect for you Jack Tretton.
I have lost respect for you Jack Tretton.
This is the second time I've seen comments put in the wrong thread. Crazy new Kotaku doing crazy behind the scenes stuff. Or else you are crazy :P
'You know what metacritic needs? The ability to review the reviewer, and poorly reviewed sites should have very little weight in aggregating the metacritic score for a particular game. '
I think I might give this a try. I always stayed away from the Warhammer Universe cause it seems so bat shit crazy. Maybe it's time I embraced that.
Was this supposed to be in the Warhammer article?
'I've always found it much more helpful when people talk about the parts of the game they are critiquing'
You can have fun in a shooter with fucked up hit detection? Damn, don't know how you do it.
Yea, redoing it is so damn painful
I saw my friend playing as girl briefly, and I gotta agree; there was more emotion, but it did seem passive aggressive and at sometimes just cruel when I didn't think it should have been.
I'd love to carry over my FIFA pro. I'd also love if they kept the 'leveling' system where you have to do things like score x headers to get better or score from 30 yards out to increase long range shooting, BUT, when I get the next FIFA I don't have to do that again. I want it to recognize I've done it, and if I take…
as long as I get free one :D
If my friends think it's funny to fuck with my balls, I'll chop off their dicks.
(this idea is sorta like that idea) I always wanted two companies to work on two games and have them release the same day, and then it turns out they are in the same universe during the same time period.
I was letdown too. Grievous's cannon thing sucked the most. It shot that limp dick laser bomb thing.
This guy!
If it is the rage in one place they should tell us specifically. They make it sound like it's the fucking bee knees everywhere.
Age of Conan broke my heart. The first 20 levels were pretty tight, then any leveling after that blew. The end game sucked too. I did get one of the first epics on my server which was tight. Too bad I quit like 2 weeks after :(
No, I played it way more than I wanted to, and it was dull. I did the single player, did some multiplayer. It was not fun. It might be fun if I had a team, but the game didn't hook me enough to want to be good at it and delve deeper.
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised by cheap media trick to get attention, but it sure does make me mad.