
God I hate reporting. 'Elf Ears Are the Rage Among Quirky Young Adults'? No, no they are not the rage. In fact, I would bet money on this. I go to a very quirky school, and not one person has this. Does this mean no one has it? No, but I am very confident it is not the rage. If it were the rage I think we'd have known

I understand it can happen, but it happens far too often in my opinion. Especially with MMO's. And it's even more frustrating because companies like Funcom(Age of Conan and they are working on the Secret World) and Cryptic Studios(City of Heroes, Champions Online, and Star Trek online) are putting out more than one

I'm having a hard time coming up with a response because your comment is pretty irrelevant here. Yea they'd be blown away, but compared to whats out NOW, it sucks. And that's what matters. Even a fucking miserable game out now would blow the minds of people who had only played Space Invaders.

From my few days with it, Global Agenda was very 'eh'. I really don't understand how so many 'eh' games can be made. Don't they play their game and realize it's not particularly fun?

You're actions don't represent every human beings.

If you like to discover all the little joys of a game yourself, ignore this comment. Otherwise, shoottigerwoods.

I'm sorry, but, but, I don't get it. And if you are referring to The Show Goes On(which samples Float On(in case you weren't referring to The Show Goes On)) I actually enjoy it.

I do not.

I fucking hate Death Cab for Cutie. They fucking invade my Modest Mouse Pandora station. I hate them so much. SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHHH.

haha, well that's good for me, not so good for you

I feel like not having a football team at my college is a giant bummer :(

I don't understand your LOL.

I hope you are talking about Call of Duty

I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that his voice sounds like a cat being skinned alive, but I do love the comparison.

Cause it could be better! I mean Steam took some risks and put huge discounts out. What did they find? You still get a massive profit! Everyone won.

Isn't SOCOM a MP beta, not a demo?

I got mad because I interpreted the title as NBA Jam becoming a yearly release. So glad that it's just a nice edition.

I wish every developer had something like this.

Try it before you bash it. It's stupid easy to temporary unlock(1 day or 3 days) weapons with free points you get for playing.

I'm fine with Nintendo not wanting to get into phones, but it seems like there is some poor logic in there. Just because the phone USED to be only a utility doesn't mean that's the case now. I mean, come on, Angry Birds Rio sold 10 million in 10 days. You can't tell me that the phone is not for entertainment after