Whatever; it’s acute little thing.
Usually you want smaller vehicles to fit in tight spaces when overlanding/offorading, but with this you can just crush whatever’s in your way.
Is that the front of the new Ram?
Dad never did end up taking you to Monster Jam like he promised, did he?
I’ll name myself as one of those coworkers because my utter hatred for start/stop systems runs that deep. I want to kill start/stop with every conceivable source of fire. Maybe it’s because a lot of our driving here is stop-and-go traffic, but the annoying jutter every time a start-stop system decides to wake back up…
You knock it, but what if there was a very low tunnel with a pot of gold on the other side? It could happen.
Actually laughed out loud at that one. This one wins. Waste of a perfectly good square bodied S-10!
Seriously, just fuck that guy.