
"the impression that i get" pops up every now and again, but the rest of the time it's nirvana, sublime, and the offspring on endless loop. it's like music stopped in 1998. even emerson college radio, which is the only thing remotely reliable for not awful music, snuck sublime's "summertime" onto the air a couple days

AVC: It was so bad. We’d just turn our speakers and play Kid606 out the window like, “Fuck you.”

sublime is on the radio every hour in boston. it makes me want to stab someone.

i'm surprised by how much i like this show. although justin theroux is like 5'3" right? he's so tiny. tiny cop!

i don't think they're horribly acted, but the writing is hit or miss. the spin the iphone game i thought was a total joke, but there was that follow up scene with the prius guys where they remark about the world going primal and it seemed like that was supposed to have been the point of that scene. that being said,

this is all because of the sixth sense

yeah. then we can all pay $30 to see Age of Extinction!

dennis haysbert? DAMMIT, my one weakness!

what sayest you on Campbell Scott and Campbell's Soup?

i've only watched the stephen moffat episodes (some) and they're steeped in such excessive mythology, it makes it hard to focus on the often entertaining presentation that's happening on-screen. like the conspiracy X-Files eps v. the monster of the weeks.

Murakami's Wind up Bird Chronicle - a tome of emotionless imagery and experimental plotting that everyone else sure liked a lot.

Y the Last Man… good one. i liked it for the first part, but the longer it went it became sort of clear that idea far outpaced the execution. similar problem with Scott Pilgrim, really.

donald glover is one high maintenance dude, isn't he?

this reminds me of the time i met robert partrick at a home depot in new mexico. weirdly, neither one of us were wearing shirts either.

i read deathlok as dethklok and got confused and excited and then disappointed.

if you like military action drama and/or david mamet and/or shawn ryan, check out THE UNIT.

it ain't shakespeare, but this was better than a C-.  the AV club reviews of this show reek of "i want this show to be X, but it's Y, so it sucks", which is just pointless.  so many other shows get the "we know it's not good but we like it/we're rating on it how good it should be asterisk" *ahemwalkingdead*, the

it ain't shakespeare, but this was better than a C-.  the AV club reviews of this show reek of "i want this show to be X, but it's Y, so it sucks", which is just pointless.  so many other shows get the "we know it's not good but we like it/we're rating on it how good it should be asterisk" *ahemwalkingdead*, the