What goes around, comes around. When people like JuniperAndSage act like a fucking psychopath, it’s going to have results that push people one way or the other.
What goes around, comes around. When people like JuniperAndSage act like a fucking psychopath, it’s going to have results that push people one way or the other.
Hey, you played a role in getting people to vote Trunp.
Wow, you are one fucking ignorant obtuse cunt.
“Crooked Stacey needs to realize with an attitude like that, she’ll never get a date to the Sock Hop! Sad!”
The sheer mass of hypocrisy that the host of Celebrity Apprentice has spent the last couple weeks telling others to “stick to sprots!” is strong enough to pull planets from their orbits.
Hey, Trumpelthinskin, does the word contract strike a familiar note?
@RedLantern: well they probably were just getting more credit in an effort to keep them there because of the lack of male teachers.
@rodmanstreet: Where I teach everyone is paid based on how long they have been teaching and what degree they have.
@rodmanstreet: You know, that's not really his fault and jumping on him when he's sharing something important to him is pretty shitty.
@rodmanstreet: That was kind of snarky.
@rodmanstreet: This was an unnecessarily nasty response to a nice comment.