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    Wonderland is a brand of armoires so I guess that person was comparing your body to a fancy, more mobile closet

    Huh! Well, I always have said "My body is a closet."

    "I also recall the muffler didn't work, so it was white AND obnoxious."

    "I remember my parents let me drive theirs during senior year. It was white."


    This is how you can tell that Kasich and Jeb are at least competent. I don't *like* them, but they're smart enough to know a steaming turd when they see one.

    You, uh… know they still graduated from Notre Dame even if they walked out of the ceremony, right?

    I used the "Grandpa Simpson walking into the house of burlesque" GIF to describe Pence's inauguration and subsequent removal.

    I don't know if I remember seeing someone so quickly become a power player on the show since Amy Poehler, and before that maybe Mike Myers.


    Yeah, to be clear, that's not a knock on any of the 4. I dig them all. Just two of them are "best known for" UCB involvement while the other two are "best known for" more mainstream things they did after UCB took off.

    "We've got to stop Thomas Haden Church before he taps Storm's ass!"

    Dude Shrugs and Goes Back to Work has been greenlit for a fall 2018 release.

    Walsh and Poehler have done so many things bigger than UCB from which casual pop culture fans would know them.

    Wow, concern trolling a PP donation *and* hating Allison Janney?

    w w w dot movie-winner-or-wiener dot com

    You wrote an app that just says "THEY are, Brent" all day?

    No, hell no, and I don't give a shit about ostensible Emmy votes.

    I don't see an ethical quandary with calling attention to a cause that you believe in.

    Right? I know that actually talking about what Planned Parenthood does takes away some basic jokes about planning to be a parent, but at this point I think the jokes are less important than talking about what Planned Parenthood does.