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    It's appealing to a younger generation of Dittoheads who just don't find Limbaugh to be "fuckboi" enough.

    Literally no one is in the business of ethics anymore, if ever! Enjoy your gruel!

    It's a little bit "out of the frying pan and into the fire" and a little bit "away from Hannity and toward an equal amount of money."

    Did she have NBC make sure they didn't have any black Santas in the lobby before she clocked in?

    I'm not sure how, but I suddenly have an interesting idea for a Adventures of Pete and Pete reboot.

    "Remember when our bandmate wasn't a TV star, and neophyte fans didn't act like she was our fearless leader?" - Corin

    I just got this for Christmas! Now I need a working CD player in my car. I won't need the eject button to work.

    Sleater-Kinney cannot, will not, must not be scruted!

    It's still hard to believe Berenstein in the City aired for 2 full seasons on Thursdays.

    Sticking with my years-long plan to mostly only watch Parks and Recreation turned out to be a good sanity-saving maneuver.

    I'm gonna need some therapy Sessions from the anxiety over these shitheads.

    They really jumped the SCUD some time around the first Operation Desert Storm.

    But I can't be confident that a show depicts rape unless I ask!

    I fuckin' wish a TV marathon would give me abs like that!

    On the contrary! That's where I learned my lesson to ask first!

    Whoa! Huge slam on @etpietro:disqus's penis out of nowhere!

    When people tell me I've gotta watch something, I say something like "do the characters get raped? and/or does the protagonist rape someone?" and once I remove the affirmative answers it really keeps my queue of new shows nice and low!

    Isle of Dogs 2: Electric Scooby-Doo

    you are doing me an empire

    I see him as more of an opportunity.