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    They gotta ease us into the inevitable "Tila Tequila joins Trump's cabinet" shitstorm news that's coming later.

    Label, not studio, but I feel ya

    That's Secretary of State Scott Baio. Have some damn respect.

    I read it as more of "I'm laughing at how clever I think my writers are" but I do prefer to judge for myself whether something is clever.

    Apt username/comment synergy.

    All this time I've been calling you Scaff Netterman!

    A weekly 3-hour What's Your Fuck-Style

    I kept reading that it's going on hiatus, but from the intro she sounded like it would maybe be like a 10-week break while she's filming, which is an impressively short hiatus considering her career seems to be taking off.

    "Hey! This is just a loop of the rap from Roll the Bones!"

    Whoa! Huge slam on Night Court out of nowhere!

    I don't think your parent companies would allow such a crossover to occur.

    Might as well say it a third time and getting the summoning out of the way before lunch.

    'Retha Franklin?

    The Wolf of Walled Enclave

    Pay no mind to your Craaaaazy Uncle Jimmy in the High Castle!

    Indiana Jones and the Unlisted Number That Calista Had Better Not Give to Lucas or Spielberg, Please, Honey, Let's Just Spend All Day in Bed Smoking Blunts

    Indiana Jones and the Economic Anxiety, Yeah, That's All It Was, Economic Anxiety

    My Taco Bell Run with Andre

    Fantastic Mr. Fox and Where to Find Him

    Emilio Estevez's Mustache Strikes Back