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    I thought it was about converting the Grindr source code to Java.

    RIP Garry Marshall

    He gave me the news that I've got a bad case of loving him.

    Welcome to Disqus! I think you'll find you need a faster trigger finger to claim firsties.

    If you liked Filliam H. Muffman, you'll love Felourtney B. Vuffman!

    I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

    I'm beginning to question whether the internet's doing a great job of anything.

    I want a sitcom where Aparna, Joan Cusack and Mimi Rogers all speak out of the corners of their mouths at each other.

    See, some of us got really into indie rock in the 90s, and for us, our classic rock stars are playing anniversary tours for pretty OK prices.

    He didn't. He died on Election Eve.

    It was a glib and unfunny joke.

    If that bothers you, just wait until you hear about what Russia did the 2016 US election!

    Well now I don't know WHAT to believe

    *checks tour schedule*

    "OK but can you produce enough of your new product to meet demand and not line scalpers' pockets?"

    Shake and Bake?

    No kidding! One Lapkus only requires the Cannibal Elite model of cauldron. Your broth is gonna be SO watery!

    "Introducing Newman's Own Jerk Chicken Glaze"

    The next clue is at the White House!

    That's it! I'm moving to Italy circa the Baroque period.