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    Just watch the "Penguin catches his mate having an affair and they peck each other's eyes out" and "Baby iguana gets chased by hundred of snakes" videos over and over and over.

    I get all my election news from Guy Incognito II.

    I never knew that's how you Brits pronounced "mail."

    Can we skip the later years, where all the cute kids became REALLY awkward adolscents?

    "Ok, fine, another NCIS… set in Sheldon's brain!"

    Senor Parsbergo? I love that guy!

    No, they just lost the domain name and had to move to .net

    Happy birthday, @wafflicious:disqus!

    Good! Indoor waterpark day with the kids (Thanks, stepdad! You are foolish for spending so much money on timeshares but I'm grateful for the times you share them with us!) and also goofing around with karaoke and charades with the kids.

    Lyrically, Curse Your Branches crushes it like few albums. Several gut punches per song.

    8 reindeer, trapped in the suburbs, getting killed one by one by a powerful alien enemy.

    Cool! Find me a technology that can connect my 1999 Samsung TV, 1993 Pioneer stereo, NES and VCR and also keep cat hair out of the power strip.

    Raise your hand if you're voting 3rd party for some reason OTHER than Bernie didn't get the nom!

    You need more Barrett era Floyd in your life, brother!

    Whichever one isn't Rizzoli!

    "The Love is Strong"?

    Those uncles aren't pillows!

    Fun fact: I had never heard that song until last year, and then I heard it 3 times in a single week!

    Richard died after that.