
Cosby thought he was the best of “the good ones.”He had decades worth of getting away with it to make him think he was untouchable. Plus he made it a mission for himself to go around winning white accolades by preaching respectability politics. All while secretly being a monster.

Dyslexia doesn’t cause illiteracy unless there’s no support or assistance in developing the mechanisms that enable them to read. Dyslexics can learn to read and write, they just need more help in managing it and may struggle with it more than people without a learning disability. 

Hunting children was clearly more important to him.

At this point it seems to be a choice, to some extent? I don’t judge anyone who is illiterate, but with Kelly’s resources he could have accessed high levels of educative support...

Ah, the written word; in the era of autocorrect who shall cast that first, dreadful stone.

You are all missing the point. This is a play to raise the rent. Smith was living there and paying a controlled rent, much lower than market rate after 30 years. The property owner is going to move in his daughter for a year and then rent it at market rate to someone else.

I assume she was the lowest bidder for the job and the court official responsible for securing the contract was too lazy to vet her at all because she looked and sounded “respectable.” It happens, especially in small towns like this. I hope the county has the insurance they’re going to need for all the lawsuits. 

She needs to see a counselor/therapist to help her get through this. My heart breaks. She is trying to mother her kids through her trauma, and the body can retain that pain long after its physically healed. I wish we had more information on how we could help. She could also use a good lawyer so she can be compensated

Cops are the most dangerous thugs on the streets.

I have no words. I’ve experienced something similar. But in my case I was breaking up a domestic violence situation. I was a senior in highschool. It was between a white kid (from a rich privileged area) and his black girl friend. I restrained the white kid. Didnt get violent (although well with my rights to). Police

Well said, any serious discussions about race or racism between black and white people isn’t gonna include Donald Trump in any capacity. His brand is racism and stupidity 

At the age of ten in fifth grade a kid called me the magic word. I said what did you say and in his smug whiteness he said “you heard me, boy.” I reached back and punched him in the nose breaking it in the process. The whiny bitch went to the nurse and I for my troubles was sent to the principal’s office. After

When a man who was raised by a Klansman, who had to agree to stop discriminating against minorities in his real estate business, who took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of innocent black children, who rose to power on a platform of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, and who

I guess it’s okay to be white. I assume the people that defaced the mural were born that way.

“Donald Trump Surrounds Himself With Even More Bald Men Because That’s How Insecure He Is About His Hair”

Can someone set up a Gofundme for this man’s inevitable moving costs?

This is some fantastic reporting.

I’ve been waiting for such a cogent and concise translation of Mattis’s letter all damn day and I am delighted to see you’ve knocked it out of the park yet again. 

Sooooo they could find next of kin to notify of death but NOT find them to notify in jail ..got it

Guy shoots two black people at Kroger, it takes well over a week for the DoJ to say they’ll “look into it” as a hate crime.