They are supposed to bend that much? I realize that they sword has to be light enough to actually swing, but I didn't expect it to flex that much.
They are supposed to bend that much? I realize that they sword has to be light enough to actually swing, but I didn't expect it to flex that much.
LOL @ that wobbly blade.
Fucking thank you.
Ummm yeah, that's Conan Stevens, but nice try everyone.
That's not even Thor.
"The only barrier I see is perception. This is one of few sports, in my opinion, where men and women are equal. Women have exactly the same obstacles to overcome as men with the same ability to do so making it a more inclusive sport than most others which put men and women on a different level due to size and…
Probably some sort of emotional hysterics, as ladies tend to have.
Oh my *chuckle*
That fella seems a little light in the loafers...
ahahahahaha. I love your username, btw.
You need to smile more, you'd look so much prettier. :)
Well, that just comes along with being a man. That's how our fathers did it, and by the grace of our Great God, that's how WE do it!
Well, clearly, as a woman this newfangled "technology" is going to seem like some robot voodoo to you! As a man, I can assure you it is pretty useful stuff.
Whoa, now ladies; you wouldn't need makeup if you'd just take care of yourselves and smile more.
Ladies, let's all settle down.
The movie, based on Franco's short story collection of the same name, centers around the lives of suburban teens and co-stars Emma Roberts (daughter of Eric Roberts), Kyle Kilmer (son of Val Kilmer) and Nat Wolff (whose mother is thirtysomething actress Polly Draper). It is directed by Gia Coppola (granddaughter of…