
I’ve accepted that I’m going to have to build the life for myself to be able to retire on my own merits. I’ve given up hope on SocSec. The constant realization for me is that there are people who are not as well off as I am (and I’m not that well off really), that will never be able to achieve this. So I’m forcing

Are you crazy? It’s perfectly acceptable to enact one stereotype but not another because you perceive a lack of harm to one specific group? Check out history and you’ll see that Irish American immigrants were treated poorly by this country when the immigration boom happened.

Thank you for putting this guide out there. Both my wife and I suffer from autoimmune diseases, and in her case, multiple of them. The only plan we could get was high-deductible through my workplace.

“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”

>avoid sugar, carbs, salt

Thanks Thorin,

Agreed, For such a small price it’s worth it. The additions of the free tier now mean that I can more easily persuade my non-technical family members to adopt this.

Can you back up your claim with sources? The reason pasteurization was due to the logistics of transporting milk long distance, which caused a ripe environment for milk to grow bacteria.

I’m calling your bluff.

Even if you go for the 50GB option, it’s $0.99. It’s $0.02 a gig. That’s pretty hard to beat.

Ook ook. Stoopid Microsoft. Ook ook