
I’m finding that it’s less they are running past it, and more they’re not seeing it or it isn’t registering in time due to lag. I’m 384, gone flawless in trials and this is the most frustrating banner for me. I can deal with the all shotgun fest if i could actually see the enemy, have my shots register, or not run

Finally got to the lighthouse for the first time last night! I didn’t play trials in year one, and barely in year two. This was my first real attempt at it. After 97 matches since Friday, I’d say I earned it


That vanguard scout is okay...if you don’t have the rank 3 for Dead Orbit. Maybe the vanguard one is better for pvp? Otherwise the Keystone from DO outclasses it in every way

It is a different archetype now. Not the same gun =/

On Cloud surfer

On Cloud surfer

I’ve had at least 4 Gjally’s drop for me since launch and just finally got a truth to drop last week. Happy for you tho!


Good write-up! Also, this is random, but why doesn't Jordan write articles like these? Is it because he writes about music for Pitchfork?

Even bigger news is radiant mats now drop from public event packages at the tower. Now i only need 2039482304823927 shards!

Why do all of these people you interviewed names' sound like their online handles?

Not too intricate but i was happy since it's my first time carving by myself!