
Exactly, the WW1 was a very big deal in that time and important consequences that the show could have explored. I also think that the WW1 could have being made in two seasons or one and half.
JF wrongly underestimated the consequences of the ww1 in the nexts seasons, for example it would have IMPOSIBLE that a woman

The thing that i found weird also is that Bertie said that he was in the army before being the land agent, in 1925 only professionals soldiers were in the army, volunteers officers like Mathew were discharged after the end of the war; so we can fairly assume that Bertie was a officer before the war. And in England and

In 1926 there was a general strike in England, started with the coal miners, and then many unions follow them (the trains stopped, etc). But the workers were defeated.

Its depends, in this case, i think that they show tried to tell us that Edith won the lottery in this case, because she ended marrying one of the few real big aristocrats in England. For that reason they chose Alnwick Castle and not other "smaller" house, Alnwick Castle it must be one of the most big and lavished

Tom is a real friend to Mary, he can call her out when is needed and have a conversation betwen equals, Anna never had done that, when Mary wanted to buy the contraceptive she ordered to Anna to go and buy it, even if Anna was afraid and didnt want to. The only words of opossition that Anna can give to Mary are: "do

What personal growth? Mary is part of the old guard, a woman who need a servant to dress her, that only see Downton as a way of keep her way of life, when they needed money they made a house party to show the "grandeur of the place" she didnt explained to her grandmother about investment, the tenants farmers, nothing.

In the moment that Bertie said that he has "goodnews" and Edith said that it wasnt a good moment (Mary saw the doubts in Edith´s face) Mary decided to spoil everything, for that reason she send Carson away for more coffee (in servants language is: please leave the room), then she started to tease Edith to the point