
“You know, there was a time in America when the rich made it a point of pride to live more or less like everyone else.”

Are they cracks or expansion joints? You don’t want the building to not flex a little.

“please don’t pay attention to objective ratings gathered from multiple data points and instead listen to my confirmation bias based on secondhand anecdotal evidence”

seems legit.

I’ve seen so many tuning shops around my area start to offer financing on parts and labor. That said, if you can’t afford to pay for your mods in cash, you probably shouldn’t be doing them. Especially on a financed car. What happens when you’re 7k in parts debt and 25k in car debt and your engine decides to explode?

Don’t spread bad information. Sailors have been drinking distilled water since evaporators were invented. That includes submariners. Salt water is distilled and the only thing added in a touch of chlorine. You get vitamins and minerals from food.

I’m a doctor. Theoretically if you ate no food and only drank water (any normal non-additive kind) you’re likely to become hyponatraemic in a few days as your body can only move water by moving sodium. Practically in a survival scenario your canned food will be so high in sodium content this will be the least of your

distilled water is perfectly fine to drink. It’s a bit overkill, but it’s not going to harm you.

Keep the car you have. So many people rush out to get boring ass crossovers and other huge cars they don’t need as soon as they find out a kid is on the way. The GTI will handle 99% of all the kid hauling duties (including the stroller). I’ve managed with my one kid and a Focus just fine and my non-car guy buddy with

Doing daily commutes in California, even if you’re checking mirrors and blind spots, a motorcycle approaching at that speed while lane splitting isn’t always going to be visible. By the time they are visible, it’s often too late to safely react.

I would contend that the budgetary considerations for a manufacturer are considerably different from the budgetary considerations for a regulatory government agency, since they have completely different structures, mandates, incomes, and reasons for existing in the first place. The EPA doesn’t make widgets and they’re

3% != 33%. This is a drastic cut and unlike most manufacturing, the research that the EPA uses to make policy takes time (and hence money) to do. I’m not disagreeing saying the government cannot get leaner, but why such a large cut so quickly?

Your “a gap is a gap” rule is a bit misleading. If I’m leaving a car-length gap, it’s for safety. You cutting in and making the gap 3 inches forces everyone to slow down.

I’m finding that a lot of people on jalopnik don’t know the difference between a lane change and a zipper merge.

Don’t compare this to a zipper merge. This is NOT a zipper merge. At all.

Shut the fuck up Ivan.

Oh I see. You think you’re the arbiter of who is “real car people”.

yeah, because some people aren’t just assholes who follow too close

Now, it should be noted that you could gear a riding lawn mower low enough to get a “good” 0-60 time

Ironically, Hyundais are no longer “cheap” and their rivals are hardly “far superior” - you must be remembering the 1990s Hyundai. Current Kia/Hyundais are quite impressive in terms of both quality and features. Yes, Toyota is still superior to Hyundai, is that who you’re comparing?

They were simply renamed back to Taurus.