W Lee
  • Speaking of Mohindra, the only downside of Charlie’s new face is that she won’t be able to return. Really great guest turn.

I’m okay with it, my biggest beef with the series is that basically no major character has died a natural death on the series, and that the deaths have become routine occurrences for the show. 

Melissa Benoist was still doing her Broadway show when filming started for the season so that might have been true.

No one is making Costco sell gift cards, if they a problem with non-members using gift cards to shop at Costco then they can just stop selling Costco gift cards altogether.

Venezuelan oil production is pretty much a disaster at this point and there’s no reversing it’s decline in the near future (and possibly ever). I don’t really see much demand for export from the gulf coast as bitumen is very good match for the high complexity refineries of the midwest and the gulf coast.

I get a sense that people seem to think that the world’s got a huge surplus of electricity that just dwarf the amount we get from petroleum products when in fact the opposite is true. In the US approximately 1000 TWH (assuming a 20% efficiency rate) of mechanical energy is generated by burning gasoline in a year, in

Winston greeting the actors’ stand-ins at the very end was a nice touch.

A.P Bio getting renewed only lowered Great News chances. In any case we were lucky to get another 13 episodes.

Modern Family ends after next year.

God I wished they covered the finale.

Paige is an adult now, and Henry is almost 18.

I basically given up on them now.

I’ve given up on the AVClub ever reviewing Superstore with any regularity, but I hope they drop in on the finale.

Vixen(s) that we know from Arrow, LOT, and the CW Seed animated series Vixen are from Earth-One. Supergirl is from Earth-38.

Chuck Lorre isn’t involved with Kevin Can Wait.

There’s literally no way the US Marshals would just send 4 guys into a heavily armed camp to arrest a cult leader.

Coffee consumption in the US actually dates back to colonial times.

Pretty sure the apology near the end of pilot was for pushing Jonah into a parked car while he was sitting in a shopping cart.

Pretty sure that they never mention his business school backstory in the pilot, and for the most part Jonah was basically trying to get out from that awkward meet cute. There was that putting glow in the dark stars on the roof thing which is likely a bit of holdover from when the show was envisioned with a bigger

Why does AVclub review every NBC Thursday sitcom except for Superstore?