
All excellent words of advice...

He truly was instrumental in Ferrari’s success, both because of his racing and his introduction of Ferrari to the big, wealthy American market.

From an economic standpoint, much like ticket scalpers, the dealers are just finding the true value. The MSRP is an arbitrary price which, when an item has high demand, leaves money on the table. Yes, people might not like it, but unlike milk and bread, new cars and tickets to concerts and sporting events are not

You drive it connected straight to a gas pump

Read AJ Baime’s excellent book, “Go Like Hell”. It’s a great read - I’ve read it 3 times because it tells the story in such an entertaining way.

True but the more they want to hide, the more I want to know 😆

Picture your typical conservative Silent Generation or Boomer father. Now, give him said sports car and let him dote upon it with pride not unlike Darrin McGavin’s toward a certain lighting fixture.

Middle aged, balding, white guy. Why? Because we’ve always wanted one but couldn’t afford it until we were middle aged and balding.

I’m hoping to see the Vette’s mid-cycle refresh smooth out some of those angles. Would also like to see four round taillights again. 

It makes my dark heart’s cockles smile to see the Corvette be really, really good.....finally. 

Sorry, but I can’t get past the fact that there’s a Facebook Camry Owners group. Do they argue over what hue of beige is the best?

This all day!  “little issues”, “easy fix”, etc are total red flags. This car has some skeletons in it’s closet that will come out and wreck the new owner’s day.

You’re the first person I’ve seen here mention the Check Engine Light, which is a huge red flag in my mind. If it’s really just “occasional” then it wouldn’t be mentioned in the ad (occasional to me means it’s come on a couple times when I’ve gotten questionable gas or something like that). It’s not just a gas cap

As I own a 996 with more than 200.000km on the clock and no IMS problems, and knowing a lot of other people with cars with a mileage like that and no engine problems, I think it is safe to say that these cars want to be driven. If you do that, then they’ll pose less problems than if you just let them sit for most of

Would not have attempted that! Although I don’t know what you would have had to back up over to not attempt.

That “unpredictable” part is especially important. People should strive to be less “polite” in traffic, and more predictable.

That “unpredictable” part is especially important. People should strive to be less “polite” in traffic, and more predictable.

Stop dwelling on it and just order one already. 

Anytime you see someone make a couple sloppy moves in short succession, move far away. You don’t want someone else’s sloppy behavior to force your hand in an emergency situation.

So, start with the one thing that, if you do it wrong may be very dangerous and if you mess up you can’t drive it to a shop? There are better entry points to DIY and most are not on daily drivers.