No doubt they are gouging the customer but they are also right - you don’t have to buy from them, particularly if you were smart enough to fill up before your journey. There is a similar place on CA Hwy 1 - about 50-70 miles from anywhere -
No doubt they are gouging the customer but they are also right - you don’t have to buy from them, particularly if you were smart enough to fill up before your journey. There is a similar place on CA Hwy 1 - about 50-70 miles from anywhere -
Me too!
In reality probably like getting blood out of a turnip - and how about doing due diligence? If I remember the news right he didn’t even pay to go on that? Certainly if he was an “expert” he knew what others in the industry were saying about that craft. Or did the price but blinders on?
I like the Mondial. Years ago, I beat one by .1 second at an autocross in Alameda driving my 118 hp first gen Toyota MR2.
I don’t think it looks bad - but like the E-Type 2 + 2 it looks a bit too long. But would it have been a marketing success? Only if there was sufficient rear legroom.
Lots of stories behind the makinkg of that movie. Frankenheimer sent all the actors to the Bondurant driving school - he said that James Garner had the talent to be a decent pro driver. That’s where he got the bug. Yves Montant had a spin out at 130 - I don’t know whether at the school or the set - but it terrified…
I’ll bet it will cost less than a Bugatti
That dealer has some chutzpah.
Years ago, we had a consignment dealer who, as it turns out, stole some of the customer’s cars. We had a club member who lost his Porsche Carrara through them.
I used to go in there just to see the Ferraris, Cobras, you name it.
It turns out that the dealer would ask the owners to give…
Well, if I go by the new NASA Zodiac, I am a Leo and should have a Ferrari. Otherwise a Genesis SUV.
Are they kidding?
I must be a Leo
If he was “jaywalking” across a “marked crosswalk” then he wasn’t “jaywalking”.
California has traditionally given drivers tickets for not stopping when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk - assuming of course if there is a light and the pedestrian has the green light. If there is no light then the pedestrian has the right…
I have never seen a custom Corvette (Kustom Korvette?) that looked as good as factory. And 80,000 miles - with that spoiler - I’ll bet those are hard miles.
Funny fact back in the 70s-80s when so many 911 owners wanted to install that monstrous whale tail, they forgot that was only 50% of the equation. Porsche also…
As my late father would say, “There’s some business that you really don’t need or want”
Always cracked me up that it was rated at 290 hp. I had a 67 Camaro with a 327 that was rated at 275. Listening to the 2 idle my car sounded like a pussycat. Listening to the 302 - with solid lifters - that thing sounded like a race car. I heard it was closer to 400 on the Dyno.
Looks like an original black plate CA car - wonder why it is so rusty? Wonder if it lived along the coast? I once saw a San Diego car that lived at an apartment right on San Diego’s Sunset Cliffs, and it could teach a Minnesota car a thing or 2 about proper rust.
Would be a cool car all restored.
As for Paul’s…
So, you have a fender-bender with your Fisker, what are you going to do? For that matter, you need a small part...
I have seen several. And when I come up behind one, I can’t get over the impression that they aren’t even good looking. Of course YYMV but to me they look like a box on wheels, particularly from the back. Guess I have seen 5-6 on the road now.
I lost - so there.
I have 3 old Mercedes and have no plans to get a newer car. The newer ones really push 4 cylinder engines with turbos - and in the real word my V8 engines are a lot simpler (a lot less to go wrong) and get nearly the same mileage. That and thinks like Colin mentioned like stop-start which to me is an annoyance.
It seems there are a number of people who will do anything, including endangering those around them, just to get “hits” on social media. I guess things finally caught up to him.
What parameters are used in “best in the world”? Simplicity and reliability? Maybe Toyota and Honda. But a YouTuber, The Car Care Nut, a Toyota Master Mechanic, warns would be buyers of the LS series to stay away from the LS460 and stay with the LS430. Too complicated and too much stuff going out.
Fro many years I’d…
I’d propose any Detroit car up through the 70s - maybe 80-s. I can remember my father getting new cars and then after a week or so of listening to squeaks and rattles made a list to take back and get the “bugs” out.