Ditto on the German plastics. The plastic interior bits on my R129 SL will disintegrate if you touch them wrong. And the bumper on my W210 E Class is so brittle after 24 years you touch a car in front of you and it will crack.
Ditto on the German plastics. The plastic interior bits on my R129 SL will disintegrate if you touch them wrong. And the bumper on my W210 E Class is so brittle after 24 years you touch a car in front of you and it will crack.
Without looking up the history of the V Tailed Bonanza (which the illustration doesn’t even show) as I recall it is a relatively safe plane as long as it is flown in its envelope (as all planes). It was made from about 1948 though the 1980s which should tell you something.
Somebody mentioned Buddy Holly - yes it was a…
That is what FAA mandated annual inspections do - look at the structural integrity
and the above illustration is not a V-Tailed Bonanza
wonder why?
Years ago when I had a carry permit I found myself in the airport lobby - with the pistol in my jacket pocket.
This is a Federal offense - not a state or city offense.
Didn’t happen again.
They don’t have to have the audio. I know what was said ;-)
From the video it looks like he was just swerving into the oncoming lane (and could the truck driver have just turned the wheel a little to the right to avoid a near catastrophe?)
Don’t think the wheel chair is going to help him.
It was amazing that the hitch…
If those had been issued by a legal law enforcement entity with all the tack-ons the fine would easily be $300-$400. I still don’t understand if they don’t have the legal authority to do this why pay the ticket? If they are trying to damage your credit score couldn’t you sue them? What’s the difference if I, private…
I asked a Mercedes salesman how many of the G-Wagons he’s sold go off road? He laughed and said....none.
I suppose this would fit right in to Beverly Hills - in the middle of the Outback, the most impractical SUV imaginable.
Radar isn’t going to bounce off a whale ;-)
I would think it would be nearly impossible to see a semi submerged whale from the bridge anyway. And as someone said the whale couldn’t even dodge the massive ship? 50% odds it was dead already.
Not that they are driven anyway, but that is the problem with those “boutique” cars, where the tire manufacturer designs tires (with the unique size) just for one low production car.
I think the Bugatti Veyron is the most ridiculous - even years ago I read those special Michelins were $25,000/set. They are probably…
You have to know, too, that when the SLR came out, dealers were required to get extra equipment (including a specialized lift?)
I can remember when the owner of our dealership (at the time) had brake trouble, it had to be flat-bedded to San Francisco and it was $14,000 15 years ago (or more).
To me it is silly getting…
It is so bland these days that whenever I see someone with a nice blue or red car I have to compliment them.
Funny thinbk - I go to my friends at a local Mercedes parts counter, and tghey were sayinkg that Mercedes is now forcinkg dealers to take some non-borinkg colors.
I’ve wondered who is really at fault - the…
I’d like to see one of those on the LBJ freeway
I know, at least from Daimler’s products with some engines, that because of the carbon buildup with direct injection, the cylinders heads have to be removed to get the injectors out. A friend, a Daimler customer for 50 years, had to have 2 turbochargers replaced on his 2005 W211 (E Class) CDI diesel. Had to have the…
I really wish Daimler wouldn’t rely so much on Turbochargers (more stuff to go out; a friend with a W211 had to replace one twice) and all this plastic crap - even waterpumps on an engine. Give me a nice 6 cylinder non turbo - about 275-300 hp - and no direct injection. While it may eck out another mpg the carbon it…
And what is a “street takeover”?
I went to Victoria last summer and it is even worse. It is the most expensive Canadian city to live in.
Think how big (and heavy) that motor would have to be - and add to that the maintenance it would require. Wonder what these tires weigh on average.