
I can remember a time when GM had a 50% market share back in the 70s, and they were worried about intervention from the Govt. Then they couldn’t change with the times and declared bankruptcy. What is their market share today?

In part because of the costs (and rules) of the UAW and in part because of a multi-layered

Have you driven in Texas? On an Interstate or toll road 85 isn’t “absurd”. I think several states in the West have 80 mph limits on the Interstate in places.

Calling that the “Autobahn” is ridiculous. Around German cities they may have a 130 kph limit - 80 mph.

Now, if we are talking about secondary roads you might

I can remember decades ago a local Ford dealer lost his franchise because of a front page story of being arrested for DUI. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to Louis-Victor

Look at the Honda Element. Apparently they didn’t have enough sales to keep the assembly line open, but they are hot now used. Simple supply and demand. 

Why would anyone who cares about a loved one mail their remains - and not deliver it personally? The strangest case was around Sacramento some years ago when a contractor who was supposed to dump the ashes over the ocean (or wherever the family wanted) just stacked the remains in a self-storage facility - over 400

Now playing

Parts should be no problem ;-) I’ve heard that Aston parts are even more expensive than Ferrari parts.

Iain Terrill did a great review of this model. Although it is a 1/1 Vantage version

Years ago, there was this cool place that sold on consignment used exotics. I used to consider it a Saturday’s entertainment just going there and looking at the Cobras and Ferraris.

But I was to learn, the owner had a dark side.One of our club members sold his Posche Carrara RS through them and didn’t get paid. Came

Sounds like you are an expert, or is “alcoholic” a good descriptor? 

What were the circumstances? The writer wants us to think that she simply decided to go the wrong way up a 1 way street. I have seen emergency vehicles jump the divider, take shoulders, anything to get to where the emergency is.

And yes, go opposite traffic.

We don’t know what the emergency was.

If there was a holdup (

I think it is in display somewhere (the Las Vegas Airport?) As for me 2 months in that thing? , no thanks.

That is how Payne Stewart died in his Learjet. The pressurization system failed - about 12,000 feet you either have to have a pressurized plane or breathw through an O2 mask (with an O2 bottle) .

I once went through an altitude chamber to see the effects of oxygen deprivation. At 25,000 feet, your mental faculties

Any Mercedes-Benz under Bruno Sacco’s helm from the from the 80s and early 90s

No mention of hydroplaning.

I was talking about this with my neighbor, who is from the Bay Area. Rocklin is a suburb of Sacramento. He was saying that a day/2 ago on the Bayshore Freeway, there was an accident and 2 people from 2 separate cars got out and were both struck by oncoming traffic. One was hit with such force he was thrown over the

That’ll buff right out.

This car makes me think of a George Carlin moment.

When I started driving years ago, I got a valuable lesson. The car next to me had stopped and I just drove through. There was someone crossing the street and I fortunately didn’t hit them. Lesson learned - when you see a vehicle stopped - even if there is no crosswalk, at least slow down and look around.

The lesson I

This video reminded me of the funny trunk monkey ads a few years ago - all the offended party had to do was hit the trunk button, the trunk monkey leaps out, jumps to the jeep and beats the crap out of the lunatic.

It is nuts out there and I have asked people why? Not unusual to see people fly by you at 100+ mph.


Somewhere along the line Evolution cars had to transfer the title to their name before selling it. How did they do that?

If Enzo Ferrari himself declared it to be the most beautiful car in the world, who am I to argue? From 14 to 18, I lusted for one of those. My idea of a Saturday’s entertainment would be to take the bus downtown, and sit in one of those Connelly leather beauties for a few hours. The salesmen tolerated me because I was

I watched the fellow bring the Challanger to life last night. He is the fellow from Hagarty who rebuilds engines, I think. He said something interesting - that an engine can run 2-3 minutes without coolant. Even the old oil was black - that car was put away in the 90s with no preparation.

But it sure sounded good on