
It will be interesting to see who fails, and once bankrupt what will happen to the support owners of these orphans have? I predict there will be new companies arising to produce parts and support...

Not a bad list! I would quibblke with a couple - I had a 1st gen MR2 which was so fun to drive I had it for 27 years - as to whether it was “cheap” (as any version of MR2) well, I would dispute that. But the Mini - which was brilliant on several levels - maximum use of space being the top - the Beetle, 2cv...how about

A popular ploy for years has been to advertise a new car at what seems a very low price, and then in the tiniest print say “1 available at this price” - which is usually “gone” when you get there.

I figured this would be on th list. My first car was a 1967 Camaro - with a 327, 275 hp. 4 speed.

Every now and then at a red light when I let out the clutch top go, the engine seemed to have a mind of its own. Full throttle, back end was fishtailing...

I rememeber to this day the owner of a new Mercedes (still had

I had an ‘86 for 27 years. What a hoot to drive; like a big go kart. I never understood why these didn’t get a collector status. I finally sold it for $1 to a friend at the Toyota dealership who gave me good advice over the years. It needed nothing except the R134 conversion was never very good. I think the condenser

They could tell that I was a senior senor

Usually they just like to settle. It is refreshing when they actually stand up and say “no”

Running in front of a moving car is a bit risky. Years ago, I was in a similar situation, and a man, an apparent Mexican National, literally runs into the side of my car, falling down, of course. His friend asks “Do you have insurance senior?” Fortunately I had a witness who was willing to be on record.

I once had a GPS tell me I have “reached my destination” right over the main Union Pacific train track.

Some people are - well, I won’t call it “Rock Stupid” but no common sense? 

Some of Suze’s “advice”:

1. “Boost your credit score.....”

2. “Buy on the cheap....”

(I’m taking notes)

I’m surprised Harley is financing its own motorcycles. Never heard of another manufacturer doing this.

Considering the fact that some years ago it almost downed a British Air 747 with all 4 engines stopped, , that was probably a prudent move.

To this day, I haven’t liked Honda dealers. In the late 70s the Civic was hot and most dealers had the attitude that they didn’t care whether you were there or not.

One told me “They are XXXX, if you want one we want a XXXX deposit, and put your name on the list”.

I realize all of this is supply and demand; there will

Those people are beyond stupid. They shouldn’t be allowed to breed. 

It’s simple supply and demand. And I was going to ask how the manufacturer knows what the retail prices is - and you gave the means - but what is to keep them from colluding and lying on the notarized document?

But you are right - the simplest thing is to build enough cars to satisfy the demand.

It’s like Corvettes

Only one who could afford that thing would be another billionaire. I can imagine that thing sucking you dry just....sitting somewhere. You’d even have a hard time renting it out - who could afford such a thing? Even the hourly cost to run?

Expanding on what @wizard Nutstorm said about motor swaps, anyone who wants to swap a (fill in blank) to another (fill in blank) and thinking it will just be a simple thing.  And sometimes for the dumbest reasons of all. Just because they feel like doing it.

I had a friend whose uncle would deliberately dress like a bum (casual?) when he went car shopping. Most ignored him but the one who didn’t - he paid cash - on the spot. And let the other salesmen know.

Those who want to flash their wealth usually .... aren’t wealthy. Can’t think of anything dumber than this guy

The little head wasn’t listening to the big head! Dumb on many levels. 

Popper sounds like he did his part to escalate it. With so many unhinged people out there it is best to avoid eye contact and don’t use counter aggressive moves. If he had just tried a friendly wave instead of “brake checking “ the other driver...It might have ended there.

If nothing else, it looks like he put that