
I guess that eliminates drive in windows at the Taco Bell. How would you even make a normal left turn in that monster? 

Of course, in large quantities it is bad for you. There is a theory among some historians that the Roman Emperor Caligula was mad because of years of using leaden mugs.

But going from the supposition that gasoline used tetraethyl lead to a demonstrable drop in IQ is a huge - and unprovable - supposition.

The rest of

An old adage: “There is nothing more expensive than a cheap Mercedes”.

I have had 3 and if they are maintained they will run forever. I am constantly running into people on MB lists who think they got a bargain getting an extremely cheap Mercedes. I have an R129 - the SL of the 90s - and it is shocking what some of the

Junk Science.

Well, something between the lines is going on. This makes 3 that I know of in recent days. Pay, Politics, better opportunity? All of the above?

<i>news broke that Volkswagen, which is owned by Porsche</i>

I have 2 old MBs, both impeccably maintained. I took both on 2 cross country trips last year, one 5500 miles, the other 6500 miles. I always take a code reader. In both cases I had to use them abd both times the problems proved small. One, the gas cap was too loose and when I tightened it (and reset the code) all was

I have 2 old MBs, both impeccably maintained. I took both on 2 cross country trips last year, one 5500 miles, the

Looks like an M103 - in a W124? You probably need a head gasket. I put 370,000 miles on mine, but went though 4 head gaskets. The problem was 2 fold:

1. They put the oil and coolant passage too close together at the rear of the block.

I don’t know where you have been waiting but I got a bumper repair on my MB and just made a Tue appt for the following week.

There was a recent article on a club member of our National MB Club who got an EVO II (from Italy).

They only made 500 of them but over $400K? I’m thinking of selling my 2011 E350 - can I expect $100K for that? ;-)

The only Tesla I have been in is a friend’s Model 3. And he shows me how you have to open the glove box.

Used to be - through the 70s - every 10,000 miles you’d:

I’ll agree he is trying to gouge the customer but there might be a reason he has 224 cars in his inventory - most aren’t buying them. It takes a buyer and a seller.

Reminds me of the Jayne Mansfield accident in 1967. After that the Federal Govt mandated that trailers have the bar that extends down to stop the car. 

I thought modern GP cars were constructed such that they could be survivable at triple digit speeds? How do you die from going 30-40mph?

I sometimes wonder about fate. Of course, that has been debated for a thousand years. How much is free will and how much of one’s life direction is predestined?

This sounds to

The seller can ask anything he wants. There might be a stupid buyer.

It’s funny because both of my old Mercedes (1996 and 2000) use a cannister filter. My 1986 300E was a spin on. Why did they move back to cannisters? Because some filter manufacturers are too cheap to put an anti drainback valve in.

They used to be standard equipment on old Ferraris. 

The thought had occurred to me...

I’m wondering if the fact that it hadn’t been changed in 3 years (!?) helped to “weld” it via the rubber o-ring? This sounds like the time I tried to remove an allen bolt from the motor mount of my Mercedes 300E. Ended up drilling it out. Spent a week on it believe it or not.