
I would imagine they’d sell it for $1 just to get rid of it. It would be more than just “putting it on a lowboy” - the wings would have to come off - you’d need a crane to load it -

The short answer is - it’s a pipe dream. Why did the Daimler-Chrysler merger fail? Daimler didn’t want to use any Chrysler technology. But they (Daimler) have today a 2 liter 4 banger that puts out about 440 hp.

Gads. I can see at least 2 things wrong/ The car is left in neutral with no driver - the ramp doesn’t fall all the way to the ground - what a clown show.

Everyone’s entitled to their opinions. To me, “ILUVMUSK wouldn’t even rate a second look.

Now this one - 3J0H22A - seemingly totally innocuous, but when viewed from a mirror, reads “A**H*** has all the requisite criteria for being the worst plate.

On Netflix or Amazon there is (was?) a Top Gear Special on Jim Clark. He certainly didn’t have 7 World Championships, but what he did I doubt will ever be duplicated. He’d leave Europe, fly halfway around the world to compete in another series in Australia, then go back to F1. And between that in 1965 with Colin

These days with technology so prevalent it’s hard to distinguish between the car’s contribution and the driver’s. Maybe that has always been so but when you have teams of 50-100 people, budgets in the 100s of millions annually...Technology and its successful application is so much stronger today. Certainly, if you

My nephew lives in Minneapolis, and he said that this boat has provided a lot of entertainment. He said also, as you suggest,m that it was probably used as a business; a party boat.

I’d think just getting the thing there in the Midwest would be a story in itself - probably from Lake Michigan!

He suggested as I thought

Can you imagine just the cost in filling the tank?

Several thoughts came as I fast forwarded through this 4.5 hour yawner.

“Greatest driver in the history of F1"? I’m still digesting that one.

Would have been nice to see it on the road, but interestingly it is unlicensed. Is there a reason for that? Did the owner ever actually test drive it after all the mods or is that going to be the job of the new owner? I wonder why Chrysler never put a V8 in it from the beginning.

I think a similar sized tank was offered for the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing. And the factory assumed that some buyers would actually take their car racing, which they did.

For the day, that was a huge amount of money just for the tank. Considering it was even more than the automatic transmission.

At this point how could anyone determine whether foul play was involved or it was simply an accident?

“Brake service and tire rotation should have been done before leaving.

If you can get ahold of it -I once saw it on Netflix or Amazon Prime - James May has a short series on “People’s Cars”, and in addition to the Citroen 2CV and the Fiat 500, the first episode is all about Volkswagen and its early incantation as the KdF-Wagen. (in fact, he actually drives the Ferdinand-Porsche made

What would a well-sorted Boxster of that time command? One with the IMS bearing sorted, so you don’t feel like you are driving a grenade with the pin out?

I’d agree with the Mercedes naming convention these days. Used to be you knew exactly

I think if you want it as a sex bed, I’d put curtains on all the windows. Then all you need is the 70s bumper stickerIf this van’s rockin’, don’t bother knockin’

You have probably one of the last 5 Yugos on the road today. I was just thinking every 4 wheeled conveyance Malcolm Bricklin introduced was kinda crappy. Suburu 360, his own Bricklin, and the Yugo.

I wouldn’t loan any more cars to him. Naturally he offered to pay for the repairs? :-)